Miami Company Pulling Candy Bags With Toy Depicting 9-11 Attack

Exactly; that is probably the most damning piece of information. A completely random toy with 9011 stamped on it? Sure, okay, I can buy that. A completely innocent toy of a plane between two buildings that bear a striking resemblance to the Twin Towers? A really big stretch, but okay, I’ll bite. A completely innocent toy of a plane between twin towers with 9011 stamped on the front (not on the bottom where model numbers typically appear)? Sorry, I can’t buy that being a coincidence.

I mean, I fully believe that the stupid Starbucks ad that people were so up in arms about was an innocent incident. Count me out of the group that finds mysticism in the “Chronology of 9/11” that can be “found” by folding bills the right way. And I was one of the biggest eye-rollers around when people were up in arms over LOTR: The Two Towers - the book was written decades ago, people! Hell, I even laughed at many of the 9/11 jokes that appeared on this board, shortly after it happened.

Still can’t fathom that this was not intentional.

I can. I wouldn’t be terribly surprised if it turned out that the toys were designed before 2001. I’d like to see if the product code on the toy conforms to an existing convention. The numerals are common enough that they appear close together all the time. If the number is supposed to be a reference to the date, why insert the superfluous “0”? Why not NYC 9/11?

There have been so many other things that were created before 9/11 that are much more evocative of the disaster than the toy is. Like the Lone Gunmen pilot, or that Coup album cover, or even an old Transformers comic, if you’re particularly crackbrained. :smiley:

All of those specifically refer to attacks on the WTC. The toy might just be a crudely designed toy. Spinny plane and skyscrapers. Planes fly high, skyscrapers are high, so make the supports skyscrapers. Hey, they need to be the same height, why not use world famous iconic twin towers?

I think it’s more likely an unfortunate (and probably old) design than a malicious joke.

When I was in Rome two years ago my brother and I saw a street vendor selling cigarette lighters that were small models of the WTC. When the button was pushed a small model of an airplane flipped up and hit one of the towers. As the plane hit a flame came out the top of the tower.

We both thought it was creepy.

I want one of those!

This company has been showing bad judgement for years.

Over thirty years ago they made a plastic house with a clown in it that had little candy people in the base.

Is there no shame?!?

You thank that’s creepy, check out this album by the band “I am the World Trade Center” Specifically, the name of track 11.

The album was released in July, 2001.

::Cue Twilight Zone theme::

:confused: :eek:

So…we have an album cover, a comic book, a tv pilot, and a dance music cd that have a better track record than Nostradamus.

Now that is a bizarre coincidence. Whoa. The odds of that are just staggering.

I have a crude ceramic souvenir stein celebrating NYC, from long before the September massacres. It depicts the Statue of Liberty on one side, and the World Trade Center towers on the other. In between, pointed toward the WTC, is a jet airliner, to illustrate that NYC is an international city. It’s an accident of history.

E-Bay has strived (striven?) to avoid selling goods centered on Sept. 11, 2001. For that, I salute E-Bay. :slight_smile:

For example, a postcard I was sent in early 2001. It says ‘New York’ on it, in big loopy letters, the Twin Towers are shown, and superimposed on them? A large plane. :eek:

Heh. That’s nothing. When I was Taiwan, I picked up a couple of these gadgets. Haven’t actually played it yet.

They also had a Bush vs. Bin Laden boxing game, but I thought that one toy in really poor taste was enough.


There’s another toy, this one with what appears to be a man wearing a turban between the “towers.”

Okay, this is getting really weird.

Can anyone still buy that this is just a really bizarre (and unfortunate) mix up?

I mean, for me, this is pretty much a clincher. Unless there’s an argument to be made that he’s just holding up the building :wink:

In 26 months, we’ve gone from getting people’s panties all twisted over a dragonfly & Starbucks coffee coolers (pictured =>here) to cheap plastic toys.

You honestly can’t see the difference?

Dragonfly, two cups. If you try very hard, you can kindasortamaybe see how someone could possibly impose their own interpretations. That ad, by the way, has actually been addressed in this thread.

We’re talking about 2 toys: Both show buildings that look remarkably like the twin towers. One shows a turbaned man between them. The other shows an airplane between them. At least one of them is stamped 9011. There’s no stretch of the imagination required here.

That’s what I thought. The first toy, okay, an odd coincidence. Maybe. Definitely poor taste.

But the second one? That’s enough to make me go hmmmmm…

Why a turban? Why a beard? And why between two skyscrapers? Why not between two trees or two semi trucks?

My guess is that the difference between the two toys (such as one building having an antenna, one not) is that the disgruntled worker just picked the closest molds he could find–in this case 2 generic skyscrapers and a toy plane lying around and generic human + generic Islam doll head.

I heard this was manufactured in China, so probably some disgruntled worker dug around for molds and pieced together a few 9-11ish toys because, as my co-worker said today, this is the stuff that happens when you pay your workers 0.005 cents an hour.

I completely believe the first toy was a coincidence. I have a similar toy (though mine has a better paint job and judging from the pics is simply a superior product). It has King Kong swinging between the towers. I’ll have to find it. The towers may have been made with the same mold. The plane toy was an oversight that nobody caught.

I’d like to see better pictures of the supposed Bin Laden toy. The one linked to in this thread doesn’t have enough detail for me. Is it a turban or is it something else. The molding looks cheap. The painting looks cheap. It could be a lot of things. Fer Example- Many depictions of Hanuman, the monkey king (a very distorted version of him has appeared in a few episodes of Jackie Chan Adventures) look like that. Hanuman is fun-loving, an acrobat, and can grow to huge sizes. I can think of a lot of other things it might be.

:smack: I forgot the helmet. Although, AFAIK, the story of Hanuman predates the entry of Buddhism into China, one story involves Hanuman meeting Buddha and failing a series of tests (IMHO this story smack of grafting a new religion onto an old one). Buddha places an enchanted helmet on Hanuman’s head, explaining that he will remove it after the Monkey King gains enlightenment. Eventually, Hanuman feels that he has become enlightened and ask Buddha to remove the helmet. Buddha tells him that if he is truly enlightened, the helmet will have vanished. Hanuman puts his hands on his head and finds the helmet gone.

I sure as hell wouldn’t be eatin’ that candy!