Am I alone in thinking this man is in the catbird seat for the 2020 Democratic nomination?
Yes. That would be Corey Booker, if you ask me.
I certainly hope so.
I’d like to think the electorate has learned a lesson about electing someone who is wildly inexperienced and completely unprepared for the duties of the office.
Yes, I believe you are.
The Republicans believe it’s going to be Booker. I’m already hearing “queer smear” talk about him.
While I do like the overall message from movies like Sicko, I do not keep him in high regard.
I had use him however as an example of how gone the right wing is when I noticed that on FOX when guys like Hannity or O’Reilly got sick they were replaced for a few days with guys like Newt Gingrich, Huckabee or even freaking Chuck Norris.
Nothing balanced at all, Fox was/is indeed a place where right wing ideas are the norm. And even more conservative when substitutes were needed.
In the so called liberal media when replacements were needed we got… Some upcoming reporter that no one has any idea of what he or she believes. If the idea the right has of what the left wing media was correct then a sight like this would had taken place already:
“Substituting Wolf Blitzer in the Situation Room on CNN tonight: Michael Moore!!..”
But that ain’t gonna happen, even if I would think that would be actually fair and the sight of many right wingers crapping in their pants would make that trolling worthy. Nah, I still think that most of the media is centrist or left of center. And so it goes for Michael Moore in Relation to the Democrats, not gonna happen.
They have good reason to attempt to smear him. Dude is seriously a legit modern American hero in every way. I could think of no job easier than being his PR person.
Republicans think about Moore a heck of a lot more than Democrats do.
I know very little about Booker. I just skimmed his Wikipedia page. Guy lived in a troubled housing project while he was mayor of Newark. Holy cow. Also he’s a vegan. And he refuses to answer questions about his sexual orientation on principle. Seems like a cool dude.
I brought up Booker in a thread about the last election long before the candidate list was “set”.
I was a little surprised nobody bit at that…maybe it was one election early for anyone to think he was interesting.
Yup, Rhodes Scholar who lived in the ghetto while fighting the gangs and survived an assassination plot by the Bloods for his efforts. And that’s just the beginning of a long list of such deeds.
In other words, “he thinks he’s better than us!!”
Seriously, I’ll have to read about him. Highly educated, youngish guy who has spent his life in public service. That worked out pretty well last time we tried it.
Michael Moore would be even less electable than Trump, and that’s saying something.
Has Moore ever even expressed the slightest interest in the position?
For as long as this thread remains active and in Elections, in an effort to actually keep the thread forum-relevant, I intend to continually change the subject to Cory Booker.
I dislike Michael Moore for a variety of reasons, but I think he has pretty decent political instincts. He’s worth paying attention to, if not worth respecting for his virtues.
No way he runs.
With the exception of Al Sharpton, I can’t imagine any possible Democratic candidate who would be worse than Moore.
I think Zach Galifianakis said it best when he he asked Obama: “What is it like to be the last black president?”
Booker lost some credibility from progressives due to his vote against allowing importation of pharmaceuticals from Canada.
Seeing how progressives are a major force in the democratic primary (probably 1/3-1/2 of voters) that will cause him some problems.