Michael Powell resigns from the FCC. Janet Jackson bares her breast in gratitude.

OK, so I’m making up that last part. But Powell really is leaving.

This is good news for those of us in broadcasting. For the past four years, we’ve been cowering in fear of FCC-imposed fines over content. We’ve had to endure the specter of organized protests, exhorbitant fines as a result, and possible censure or loss of our license.

I don’t know who Bush is going to appoint to succeed Powell, but it’ll be interesting.


That’s the bad news.

I nominate Howard Stern.

I am kinda nervous about this, because at least with the devil we knew, he’d announced that the FCC would not go after paid-for content like on HBO or satellite radio.

The devil we don’t know might take up the fight against breasts and the FWord on Showtime, which would just suck.

There were congresspeople requesting that the FCC look into regulating Premium television and radio, and, thankfully, Powell had said the FCC would not do that.

If Tony Soprano can’t say “Fuck” there’s something wrong with the world.


The way things are going, the new FCC chief will probably be Donald Wildmon. :eek:

It’s a win-win. If Bush does appoint some extremist, it just might get the majority of Americans riled up enough to do something about it. As it is, slow censorship creeps in on cat feet.

That’s funny.

No wait, I’m confusing the meaning of words again.
That’s scary and quite possible. How much did he donate to the Republicans this year?

Yeah, I’m sure people are going to jump up and “do something about it”. :rolleyes:

Our fucking civil rights are being stripped away under our noses, and they don’t even give a shit. Why are they going to care about TV? Besides if they do care about TV then that’s even more pathetic.

Ya gotta motivate people with what they care about, not with what you care about.

Yeah, great point, no disagreement here.

Hot dog. Maybe we can put this monster of BPL to rest once and for all.


As the others have suggested, you don’t honestly think he won’t be able to dredge up somebody worse from the tar pit of troglogytes who bankroll his foolishness, do you?

Ashcroft is available…

Y’all do realize that Mr. Powell was originally a Clinton apointee? Not to chairman but to the board at least.

I wish Bush would just take Mitt Romney for something. Anything. FCC? Why not? It’s not like I watch TV anymore anyway. C’mon, Dubya, you took one asswipe off of our hands, couldn’t you find it in your heart to poach another one?

How much of this is Bush wanting to be rid of the entire Powell clan?

You do realize, that despite the insanely conservative things that Colin Powell Jr. has been doing over the past few years, he’s been acting pretty moderate for the past few months, don’t you? I have to wonder if he’s being nudged out so Bush can appoint a more pious warrior of Christ.

I hope not. My guess is that Powell is bucking for higher office. The CNN article I linked to in the OP did mention that he might run for governor of Virginia.

That said, satellite radio is looking more and more appealing all the time. At least until the FCC gets its grubby mitts on that.


The FCC’s Holy Righteous Crusade against Obscenity was terrible, but I’m surprised that more people aren’t up in arms over Powell’s attempts to further deregulate media ownership. If you think radio is fucking terrible now, wait until they further deregulate it!

I feel like a rousing chorus of “Smut”, by Tom Lehrer! :smiley:

“…but now they’re trying to take it all away from us.
Unless we take a stand and hand in hand we fight for freedom of the press,
In otherwords SMUT! I love it,
Ah, the adventures of a slut!
I don’t know what
Compares with smut, Hip-hip-hooray!
Let’s hear it for the Supreme Court!
Don’t let them take it away!”