Michelle Bachmann is my new hero!

Hard to expect progressive ideals from a corpse. The ultimate conservative, they never listen anything new again.

Hahahahha. :stuck_out_tongue: That made me chuckle.

Bush pushed the Patriot Act through taking American citizens rights away.
Gutted Endangered Species Act
started 2 wars
gutted oversight of all kinds like in finance and banking
tax breaks for companies that move abroad
changed bankruptcy law
spied on American citizens
Declared the executive above the other branches and exempted himself from following laws that were passed
cut taxes for the wealthy
There was a time that we had caretaker type presidents that changed little. Bush/Cheney/neocons made sweeping and deep changes to benefit the few

If you’re going to include cockamamie silliness like that, you’d be better off doing it closer to the end of your posts. While you have lots of good things to say, adding this kind of frivolity really undercuts and diminishes what comes next regardless of its merit.

Imagine for a moment talking about science administration and someone drops a complaint about wasting money because the moon landings were a hoax, or talking about politics and someone says how horrible it was that Castro had JFK assassinated.

Until you test it. Use a paper towel.

Blah, I am disinterested in the culture war seal of approval. Al Gore does his own cause a disservice by being a fucking moron in the way he goes about it. It’s really simple to just not speak on a topic you don’t know about. “What is the temperature of the Earth’s core?”, “I really don’t know.” See how easy that is? He could of course fly commercial and reduce his carbon footprint significantly also. I’m not going to pretend that I respect Al Gore in order to win some kind of award. If this comment gets you to tap out with an ad hominem that’s your problem not mine.

Except Al Gore said that on video, so it’s nothing at all like your ridiculous straw men. He said it. It kind of undermines his credibility to make such a stupid comment that the Earth’s core has temperatures similar to that found on a star. Even a little bit of logical forethought would help you out with that one.

Supported by Hillary Clinton and not repealed by Barack Obama.

Not sure how significant this really is. This kind of stuff is standard football stuff being thrown back and forth between admins. This is kind of like Reagan unbolting the solar panels on the White House.

Yes, but other Presidents have started wars, or engaged in ‘police actions’.

This stuff has been steadily changing for many years, and I unfortunately am not equipped to argue it.

So did Clinton

Yes, and Obama is running with the expanded powers of the executive. Pretty much every President has expanded the scope of the executive and pretty much no President has scaled back prior administrations changes.

Eh, political football.

I can’t even see this statement as meaningful.

Here’s a page listing Clinton’s legacy on Civil Liberties.

“Unfortunately?” IMHO, you might want to take it as your cue to go start your own pit thread about not wanting to jump on the I HATE REPUBLICANS bandwagon, and stop hijacking this discussion about what a stupid twat Michelle Bachmann is and how the world is a worse place because she happens to be a member of Congress.

Unless you want to contribute something to that discussion? If you want, you can even argue against the proposition; I won’t object. :stuck_out_tongue:

And the rest of y’all might do well to focus. :p:p

P.S. the smilies are there to indicate that I’m not intending to junior mod, here.

I thought it *was *her OP?


Anyway, mswas is a guy. Maybe we should be apologizing to him about hijacking his thread. :smiley:

kaylasdad99 LOL, bring it back on point, give us something to chew on if you want to diss Michelle Bachmann. I generally figure that BBQ Pit threads only have a semblance of focus for the first page and start to devolve, and as such I just allow it to go organically after that. It irritates me when threads are hijacked in GD, but in the BBQ Pit I don’t have any standards for discourse to speak of.

Controversy with HTML entity protocols: etaggate!

Egad. Anyone else here read it as Ms. Was?


Sorry for the hijack.

And I still think your overall points would be stronger without resorting to picayune gotcha-yas.

Kick-backs to the spicy mustard industry: Guldensgate.

I’m sorry, you need a transition to make that joke.

A Guldensgate bridge, if you will.

And about 10 times as many poor Africans would be dead of AIDS and Malaria if it weren’t for George Bush’s “foreign policy”. That also matters.

I know you don’t want to hear this, but George Bush’s foreign policy on balance saved more lives than any president’s policies have in decades.

Or is it okay to let millions of poor black people die horrible deaths, so long as you don’t get involved in wars the left hates?

Did you know that by Bill Clinton’s own admission, his decision to not intervene in Rwanda cost about 300,000 lives? And he greatly regrets that choice? That’s more than the entire casualty count of the Iraq war. Do you hate Clinton with the same passion you show for your hatred of Bush?

I know YOU don’t want to hear this, but … cite?

Waitaminnit – how can an atom be “hot” or “cold”?

Cold just means that the atoms are moving very slowly:Optical molasses

By moving fast or slow, respectively.

Laser cooling of atoms