Michelle Bachmann is my new hero!

Don’t they all come back to the milfy wolf-huntress in the end? It’s a Liberal message board, what can you expect? Liberals love Sarah Palin.

Yes, but they missed by a mile. Just like they did on Election Day with Michelle Bachmann.

But I can’t complain too much. Somehow we elected the Mayor of Tromaville as our new governor. :smack:

Actually, it did and didn’t.

I’m not crazy about Palin myself. But some things are just not done.

But I’d like it if she had grabbed the tomato in mid air, and fired it back at the thrower. That would be funny.

Disagree with her, vote against her, but don’t assault her. That’s over the line.

You say TOMATO and they say “tomato” so maybe we should just forget the whole thing, you know, if its not going to be a lot of trouble. Well, OK, then…

Well, you know what you just started, don’t you ? Oh yes. Suffixgate.

Did you accidentally the whole thing?

Yah, shoes are too valuable to throw, you betcha, and you might not get 'em back and have to go around barefoot. Besides, you just want to embarrass the person, not hurt him, yah.

Do they make a tomato pie.

If you watch her long enough, it’s not difficult to pick up the pattern.

Give her any noun, and she’ll say that Obama will use that noun to destroy America. The less she understands about what that noun actually means, the more ACORN will be involved in her claims.


“Hey, Michelle Bachman, I just ate a banana but I think it had gone bad.”
“It’s not surprising that the food we and our families take for granted are slowly being taken away under Obama’s socialist regime.”


Neato fact: One of my cousins (11 or 12 years old) has a rare form of Cushings disease that nobody in medical science can figure out, so the National Institute of Health (NIH) is offering to fly her and her mom to their Bethesda research hospital for free, and give her treatment, for free, by the people who know the most about Cushings out of anybody in the whole planet, so they can increase their understanding of the disease.

My aunt (her mom) is frightened, of course, because the NIH is a government program, and… y’know… OBAMA! BOOGIEBOOGIEBOOGIE!

She’s agreed, but is still suspicious.

I once accidentally the whole thing. I threw up afterward. I’ll never that again.

Last week? In December? How many kilos of CO2 were required to transport that tomato? No, a TRUE Minnesotan would’ve thrown something that keeps through the winter, like a rutabaga. Anyway, tomatoes splat. Rutabagas, well, she’d know something had been thrown at her, after she came to.

Perhaps at some point, the dirt will be revealed on the Secretary of Defense or the head of Microsoft.

Can’t wait for Gatesgate.

She should be a Minnesota housewife polluting the minds of her children and family. She should not be an elected official. She should be their problem, but the Minnesota voters made her our problem.

You mean just another Minnesotan housewife electing another Minnesotan housewife just like herself?

What’s amazing is that they think the government changes that much depending on who is President at the time.

It amazes me you can not see how much the country changed during 8 years of Bush/ Cheney.

It’s amazing to me that you think it was all that particularly significant. The country didn’t change much, just our foreign policy did.

The guys on Wall Street are the same regardless of who the President is. And as you can see, even Obama is pretty much aligned with their interests.

Partisanship is for idiots who spend the most time thinking about the one election where they have the least amount of influence.

The country isn’t just what we think it is, its what the rest of the world thinks it is. And right now, they’re thinking we’re nuts. That’s not good. I find it kinda hard to blame Al Gore for that. YMMV.

People are dead who wouldn’t be, had it not been for our “foreign policy”. Lots of them, hundreds of thousands of them. That matters.

Of course, you align your opinions in such a way as to believe that your views on the world are better and assume that the world agrees with you because you listen most intently to the part of the world that DOES agree with you. Al Gore’s bullshit on climate change is meaningful to this topic. Sure we can downplay the fact that he didn’t know the temperature of the Earth’s core, but millions of degrees? If he’s talking about global warming shouldn’t he know that the Earth’s core is not millions of degrees? Or at least know enough to STFU about it?

Yea, that’s true. Everyone in the Chinese Embassy in Sarajevo would still be alive. The Rangers who died in Mogadishu in 1993 would still be alive. My Grandfather wouldn’t have beaten my Grandmother in his sleep because he wouldn’t have been shell-shocked from World War II.

Everything matters, but just because something matters doesn’t make it a huge change. Neo-Liberal foreign policy has been the telos of the US of A for the entire twentieth century. The seeds were planted by Thomas Jefferson when we sent in the Marines to Tripoli to teach them that our business of international commerce was more important than their right to piracy. Ever since then protecting our interests has been ever-broadened. During the cold-war we fought the valiant fight against the Soviet Union, overthrowing elected governments worldwide to make sure that they stayed safe for capitalism. Couldn’t let Mossadegh nationalize the British oil fields could we? It was all so very important that we keep it safe in Central America for United Fruit. We liberated Cuba from Spain so that we could create Vegas in the Carribbean. So no, I don’t think that Bush really, ‘changed’, a whole hell of a lot. Nor do I see Obama doing much differently from Bush?

Do I like Obama better than Bush? Yes. I think he’s a smoother operator and is proving to have a defter hand with foreign policy. But is anything different about the Neo-Liberal telos?

Well I’ll let the man speak for himself:

I like the direction Obama is taking it, but to argue that it’s a fundamental shift is quite simply insane.

I don’t buy into partisan myopia where we complain about a particular aspect of our culture only when the wrong party is in power. It’s the same, ultimately. We are fighting to make the world safe for global capitalism. We kill people in the third world so that ultimately they can adopt progressive ideals.