Michelle Bachmann is my new hero!


Okay, now that I’ve read it, I’m with The Hamster King.

ETA: And, evidently, with Saintly Loser, as well.


That wasn’t written by Michelle Bachman. That was written by John McQuaid.

Humor. It is a…difficult concept.

Did an ex-Onion staff member write that? It’s clearly parody if you read the article.

Exactly. If you do a google search for this Bachmann quote, you only get the OP link, no additional news sources. And, the author clearly says from the gitgo; “with apologies to Sarah Palin and her ghostwriter”, indicating the parody.

Though, I would like Bachmann to encounter Schroedinger’s cat. In a dark alley with RA Wilson for a play by play.

That’s it, we should make her walk the Planck!

Fractional quantum Hall effect

Lasers simulate magnetic field in a BEC:

A million times yes.

Whatever we may think of her, it takes alkynes to make a world.

Steve, Hon, how long have you been waiting for that excellent post? Think it may be the best specific wittiest.

THANK YOU! I am so glad that I’m not the only one who is supremely bugged by the extremely annoying and hackneyed habit of untalented writers, politicians, ordinary knuckle-draggers and, well…, everybody.

Look, it might have been almost acceptable (though not quite) the first few times it was applied to Watergate-style government cover-ups 20 or 30 years ago (e.g. “Iran-gate” or “Contra-gate”), but when it started getting slapped onto absolutely every sort of controversy imaginable (boxers or briefs? UNDERWEAR-GATE!!!11) it became really lame, really quickly.

Let it go, ye creatively-challenged mothafuckas. Grow a new idea, for once.

Mark my words, in a couple of years a reporter is going to unironically refer to Watergate as Watergategate.

Fun Facts to Know and Tell:

Awww, let’s all pi bond and sing kumbaya. (sorry)

I know it’s just a parody but I’m sure we can all agree that subatomic physics is somewhat creepy and unAmerican. :eek:

I’m starting to think we need an inquiry into the whole affixagate thing.

The people of Minnesota have elected her twice. She is nuts. What does that say about them? They deserve the pitting. She can not help what she is.

LOL it’s always funny when people absolve someone of responsibility and replace that responsibility somewhere else as though those people are somehow supposed to be more self-aware and personally responsible.

Most people, likely you included are merely playing out their programming.

Ahhhh. I understand now. Oh, and Sarah Palin is a tool!

You know, one of those people you’re defending, Minnesotans, threw a TOMATO at Sarah Palin just last week.
Buncha disrespectful rebels and anarchists. We should lock up the lot of em!

I find it funny that mswas started a Sarah Palin thread without intending to.