Batshit crazy Michele Bachmann strikes again!

Is there any worse congressman or woman in this great nation than Michele Bachmann? By the way, her eyes always look like that.

I am heartily ashamed that she represents my state (though not my district) in the House of Representatives. All of us should be ashamed she’s in congress at all.

The woman is all kinds of crazy. Many of you may have first heard of her when she grabbed Bush at the State of the Union address when she first hit congress two years ago. She held him for an eternity until the Pres gave her what she wanted. It was the first, and last, time I felt bad for Bush.

Where to begin with this woman? Is she a creationist? Hell yes! She home schooled all her kids, but ran for school board anyway to push intelligent design in public schools. She claims hundreds and hundreds of scientists including many Nobel Prize winners support ID.

She is fervently opposed to gay rights. She was taped hiding behind bushes spying on a gay parade. Her husband runs a Christian counseling center that espouses the concept of converting homosexuals to heterosexuality with prayer and whatnot. Anyone who has seen Mr. Bachmann will quickly conclude that he is not just the owner, he’s a client.

Bachmann belongs to a church that says the Roman Catholic Church is the Anti-Christ. She called ANWAR the most perfect place in the world to drill. She says China is drilling for oil off the coast of Florida. She said she saw secret plans to give a chunk of Iraq to Iran so a terrorist safe haven could be created. She says we should keep the option of using nuclear weapons against Iran on the table.

This week she said we should build a barrier on our border to keep immigrants and their diseases out of America. And tonight she made her case on MSNBC that Barack Obama is anti-American, questioned the patriotism of all liberals and said she thinks congress should be investigated to expose it’s anti-American members.

If anyone in the house deserves to lose in November it’s Bachmann. Her opponent, Elwyn Tinklenberg has far less money, is in a district that leans right and has a funny name, but we can hope.

“Funny name” doesn’t begin to cover it…

I am ashamed that she represents my district and that enough other people around me voted for the idiot! I will gladly be voting for Elwyn and hoping for the best. I didn’t like her when she won the last election and with all I’ve learned since, I dislike her even more.

And to think, less than a day earlier she was offering to tongue Obama down. For reals.

She needs to get close enough to insert her fangs.

Hey,this sounds like my cue!

Sadat’s dead, dude.

And has been for a while.

Fucking corpses is nasty.

Tinkleberry has MY vote.

How do you think I feel? She does represent my district.

Worse yet, I have relatives who think she’s the bee’s knees. The other day my cousin’s wife kindly sent me an email stating that she didn’t like Obama because he’s a “Muslim/terriorist” [sic] and got extremely pissed at me when I called her on her lies (apparently, she’s the only one allowed to have an “opinion” on Obama’s background). I have to live with this shit* all the time*.

Do you have any idea what it’s like to be a progressive in my district?

I’ve long since stopped caring about Democratic policies and ideals; I just want Obama to win the election so I can watch my un-loved-ones heads explode.

That’s disturbingly hot.

We libs always knew you conservatives had a thing for evil. :stuck_out_tongue:

How do you think those of us that live her district feel.

I was flippin through the channels last night and I saw that crazy Michele was on Larry King, didn’t watch because I was looking for hockey(friggin Gophers!), but later on the Maddow show I caught her remarks and again she outdid herself.

On thursday at the debate with Tinky she said:

One day she wants to kiss Obama, the next she questions his Patriotism.

She shook my hand once, that is something that I’m still trying to block out of my mind.

Alcohol helps.

More craziness about the MN 6th District Congresswoman can be found at

Try being a Democrat in Alaska.

Sorry, guy, my 'shop skills are miniscule–I snagged that off teh intarwebs somewhere. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sadat did get drilled though.

Too bad. I was hoping you could paste Rove in there and explode his head.

I was going to open a thread on this, but since someone beat me to it, here’s the link I was going to give y’all.

Bachmann is an embarrassment to this state, and I hope this is enough to convince even the deep Republican 6th district to get her out of there before she does any more damage to our reputation.

I saw the interview and thought it was Shodans coming out party.


imthjckaz and chique, I truly pity you guys. Does anyone know if there have been any polls? And how Tinky is doing?

Well, you may have more luck with 2 out of 3 Congresscritters this year.