Micosoft discovers best way to protect their servers.


Go figure.

Scuse the stupidity - but what’s a DNS setting???

Domain Name Server. It’s what routes you from www.microsoft.com to or whatever IP address they’re at. Like a computer’s phone book.

I’m not really sure about what the OP is talking about, but if it involves Bill Gates, it must show his utter disregard for humanity!

Let’s see… if he has ABSOLUTE control over what OS MILLIONS of users use, why not release a NEW version, every couple of years? That way, low-life-Bill can make a new wave of money, every couple of years! Can you say “Biggest WHORE, EVER!!!”

You mean Microsoft no longer trusts their own OS but is using the competition? Hmmm…

I can’t wait to hear them try to backpedal out of this one a few weeks from now.

Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company, would you care what people think?