Microsoft Is Using Linux To Protect Its Own Web Site

Damn,I bet this is embarassing.

So they’re using Akamai’s distribution network to help people avoid being affected by a virus. Who gives a shit? Allowing users to protect themselves is more important than finding a service like Akamai that runs on Windows (AFAIK, none exists).

What does this have to do with Linux at all? THey have a vendor who provides a service-Caching, mirroring, and now anti-DOS measures. Do you really think they care what OS they’re using?


I’m sure Microsoft contracts with dozens of vendors who use Linux to run part of their business. This is a pretty petty thing to carp on them about.

I wonder if Intel is still using Macs to run their chip-fabs, though… :smiley:

let the ignorance rain down !!

In unrelated news, Hotmail is run using Apache. Which is open source.

Hotmail was originally run by a bunch of guys with BSD machines, not MS. MS bought them out. I understand they run a cluster of partly *NIX, partly MS machines for mail.