Microsoft Office Home Use Program

I searched but didn’t find anything on this so…

Microsoft Home Use Program allows you to buy MS Office for a steal if you already use it at work. It appears, upon casual inspection, that it applies to fairly large corporations and you must have a valid work email address, but I can attest to the fact that it is real.

I just installed MS Office 2010 with:
[li]Word[/li][li]Excel[/li][li]PowerPoint[/li][li]Outlook[/li][li]OneNote[/li][li]SharePoint[/li][li]Access [/li][li]InfoPoint[/li][li]Publisher[/li][/ul]

for the ridiculous price of $9.99

They appear to be full versions. For 10 bucks this is a a fantastic bargain.

Edited to add link:

Yeah, I got it through my workplace, which is a large non-profit hospital with associated medical school - so it’s not necessarily just the mega-companies that participate. They promote it about once a year via a broadcast E-mail, so it’s comparatively easy to miss.

Work sent us the link and I don’t remember if that’s the same one. I do remember that, like on that link, we needed a program code to participate.

I’ve bought a few of these. Real handy. They are fully working versions (and they keep working and installing long after you’ve left the company).

I’ve also picked up Visio for the same price.

Yep, and for an extra few bucks they’ll send you the programs on disc. I’ve got both the Mac version and Windows version. That’s about $1400 worth of software for $30.