Microsoft will ban Forza players who add the confederate flag (among other symbols) to their digital cars

Title kinda says it all. Here is the article I read about it.

Other symbols are included as well including (but not limited to):

  • Swastikas
  • Confederate Flag
  • SS-runes
  • Wolfsangel
  • Black Sun
  • Arrow Cross
  • Iron Cross (with contextual clues)
  • Rising Sun

I am surprised to see the Rising Sun on there. I did not realize it was a symbol that bugged anyone.

Also, the Iron Cross with contextual clues. I mean, I think the German air force still uses the Iron Cross so not sure what “contextual clues” means. That one would bother me since it is open to some interpretation.


Pretty sure over a billion Chinese are a bit sore about the whole Rape of Nan king thing. Not to mention all the other atrocities the imperial Japanese committed.

That makes sense.

I guess you could say the same about Indians seeing the British flag.

Every time a Japan Martime Self-Defense Force vessel tries to visit South Korea, there are protests against it for using the same naval ensign as the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Are players able to upload and/or create custom images to stick on their cars? Most games I’ve seen where you can stick an emblem on your character/vehicle/base/whatever make you choose from a provided list. That prevents both hate symbols, and potential trademark issues.

All this will do is make the hatemongers find a new symbol.


I guess a hammer and sickle is okay.

Microsoft should change their logo while they are at it, since it looks a lot like a swastika.