I had to replace my USB mouse today and I see the new one claims 3 buttons. One is the scroll wheel which can also be pressed to click. Doing so displays a combo up/down arrow at the pointer position. If you move the mouse up it smoothly scrolls the page in that direction with the speed dependent on how far you move it. Ditto for down. This is actually awesome and I hope I remember it! What’s that about old dogs and new tricks?
Are we in 2005 again? Seriously, your last mouse must have had a real long life so that you now have encountered the first mouse with a mouse wheel that’s clickable for the first time. Was the old mouse still connected to a serial port?
Believe it or not, after reading your post, I discovered that the mouse I’ve had for years does the same thing and I never realized. When I press down on the wheel, a little double arrow in a circle opens on the screen and it scrolls smoothly instead of by clicks. Imagine that!
I have a wireless Logitech mouse that has a scroll wheel that can not only be clicked, but you can push it to the left or right and it acts as the forward and back browser buttons.
The middle button is like the forgotten middle child, but it needs love too!!!
Have those existed at all in the past decade? Maybe two?
Clicking the wheel works pretty consistently, but a lot of mice have extra features like this, and they’re pretty hit-and-miss to what they’ll do in what programs.
Well this is a game-changer for me. I open most links in a new tab, and I never knew I could have been doing it with my mouse the whole time. Thanks for the tip.
Ideally, when you first plug in the mouse, Windows should recognize it and automatically download and install the appropriate drivers. That’s the way it should work anyway, but I know that’s not always the case.
I thought Apple still somewhat recently had that model with a single button that is also a touch pad. It still lets you right click, middle click, and left click, but it’s all a single button. And you swipe to scroll.
I actually hate that feature on a mouse. I’ll be trying to wheel-click a link into a new tab and back-browse the current page. Curses!
Apple does all kinds of silly nonsense with input devices. From insisting for a bazillion years that mice should only have one button, to introducing the Mighty Mouse with the teeny tiniest trackball on top - sized like a BB! - to trying to put trackpads on desktop machines. Their track record with mice (and IMO desktop keyboards) is terrible. Think different!
Don’t even get me started on Command vs Control, but I’ve learned to live with that over the last 3+ decades.
I’d probably set it up where it scrolls left and right. Maybe wiht a bit of delay. Using it for back and forward seems like it’s just begging to be misclicked.
At one point, I did have an extension that let me go back and forward using the mouse though. But it worked by you clicking one mouse button, then the other. You’d click the left mouse button, then the right one to go forward, and vice versa to go backward. That actually did work okay.
As for the mouse I mentioned: it’s called the Magic Mouse and still seems to be made:
It’s basically all for the aesthetics, I think. It keeps it all smooth, with no bumpy scroll wheel.
Huh, I hadn’t even heard of the Magic Mouse (and I’m a Mac dev!), I thought you were referring to their Magic Trackpad, which I find horrifying and get off my lawn. Watching videos on YouTube, for me the mouse looks like a weak and frustrating experience, but maybe that’s just me and go figure.
I didn’t find a way to disable the wheel-tilt-click, which would be what I’d really want. I just switched to a mouse that didn’t have that feature at home, though my travel Mac Air laptop pairs with a travel bluetooth mouse that has it lean-click, so I just learn to be careful. Really hate the browser forward/back a lot.
IMHO, Magic trackpads are the Cat’s Meow. I hate going to clients and using their mice.
A Magic Trackpad is better than a touchscreen (also, IMHO).
The Magic Mouse takes some getting used to, but it’s actually a pretty good mouse. Most people don’t take advantage of all it’s nifty features.
Going back many years, my favorite mouse was the Logitech MX Gaming Mouse. It had a wonderful weighted free-spinning scroll wheel. Unfortunately, Logitech ruined it on their next iteration of it, so when mine broke after too many falls to the floor, I replaced it with the Magic Trackpad, which is superior anyway.