Mike's fan club

I just wanted to say hi to all my fans out there. I love you all!

I don’t see anybody, just came to see what’s the big idea.


Okay, let’s continue the sound practice of hijacking every thread this test-tube baby starts.

What’s your favorite holiday?

I’m torn between Mardi Gras and Thanksgiving.

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

I think Halloween is mine now. I love dressing up in costume and now that they outlawed nudity at Mardi Gras…

I really try to be good but it just isn’t in my nature!

I like Mardi Gras. But the best holiday has to be July Fourth.
Everybody now, you know the words!

<singing=badly: on>
And I’m proud to be an American
Or Canadian on this Board!
And I won’t forget
The man who writes
All the answers for this horde!
And I’ll gladly stand up
Next to you and antagonize trolls all day.
'Cause there ain’t no doubt I love the Dope,
God bless the SDMB!
<singing=badly: off>

Hey God, if you’re listening can you bless the SDMB? Thanks!

how did it start? well i don’t know i just feel the craving. i see the flesh and it smells fresh and it’s just there for the taking…
“Winners never quit and quitters never win, but those who never win and never quit are idiots.”

Chef you shouldn’t be rude to a fellow jazz musician. They did a study 2 weeks ago, about if jazz musicians get laid more, and the result was that they do get laid–30 times more than the general public.

Chef Troy, did you pick those two because of the food involved? Any favorite dishes you associate with those holidays?

I always loved Christmas as a kid, but in recent years I’ve been way to busy to enjoy any of the hoopla - plus there has been just about zero snow on the ground for the holiday, which just sucks. Nowadays I look forward to Memorial Day to kick off the summer.

Christmas and New Years. Not only do I love the holidays themselves, I just love that week where I feel like I’m hardly at work at all.

I think Thanksgiving. My folks are both really good cooks.

Christmas. What can I say? I love winter and I love presents, and I have a kid.

“Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
O p a l C a t

Pppbbbbtttt… what’s the point of going now?! :wink:

“Not everybody does it, but everybody should.”

Mardi Gras will always be my favorite, my first date with the three bunny Papa was to Galveston for Mardi Gras.
We had a great time, I got lots of beads and didn’t have to show anything :slight_smile:

A guy walks into a bar with an ostrich and a cat. The bartender asks the guy, “What’ll ya have?”

The guy says “I’ll have a beer”

Surprisingly, the ostrich says “One whiskey, on the rocks.”

Then the cat yells out, “I’LL HAVE A GIN AND TONIC, AND I AIN’T FOOKIN’ PAYIN’!!”

The man sighs, takes out a roll of $100 bills and pays up.

The bartender serves the drinks. As the three finish up, the man orders a fresh beer.

The ostrich orders another whiskey.


The bartender turns around and asks the man what the deal is with his bar companions.

The man replies, “I found an old lamp in a store one day and as I tried to rub some of the tarnish away. This genie appeared and said I would be granted two wishes for freeing him. I asked for an endless supply of money. He granted me this wish with this eternal roll of $100 bills.”

The bartender replied, “Great! What was your second wish?”

The man sighed, “Well, I wasn’t really thinking straight after recieving the $100 roll, so feeling kinda horny, I asked for a chick with long legs and a tight pussy.”

Pepe (the Threadjacking Taco Bell Chihuahua)
Living Mi Vida Loca

…send lawyers, guns, and money…

       Warren Zevon

a simple net search will prove the theory of a ‘nudity-free Mardi Gras’ incorrect.

I’m torn between Christmas and Hallowe’en;

I like Christmas for the spirit of the season, but I like hallowe’en 'cause it’s in the Fall, my favourite season!

Mmmmmm…Smell those leaves and cider!


Some people say that cats are sneaky, evil, and cruel. True, and they have many other fine qualities as well.

I went to Mardi Gras, it was cool. And I got laid sooo much, I felt like John Holmes.

No more tits at Mardi Gras?

What do I do with all these beads?

Wonder if Manhattan Island is for sale?

Voted as: The poster you’d most like to meet.

I demand a recount.

Wally, you just HAVE to come up here for the Shediac Lobster Festival in the summer.

They have an actual LOBSTER EATING CONTEST!

Can you imagine?

Bring the family, I’ll show y’all the sights!


Now I’m hungry.

Voted as: The poster you’d most like to meet.

I demand a recount.