Mike's fan club

It’s pretty much always been Halloween.

But, like OpalCat, I have a kid and Christmas has become a lot more fun.
His birthday is the day before Halloween, though, so there is more to celebrate at the end of October.

I am large,
I contradict myself,
I contain multitudes.
~Walt Whitman

I love the smell of fall, the leaves on the ground<long as I don’t have to rake’em up!> and Thanksgiving. The food, the company, the football games<WAIT! was that ME? I hate football!!>
I also really like Christmas, where we all give each other birthday presents for Jesus!
Snow on the ground,when I can get it.

To dream of the person you would like to be is to waste the person you are.—Anon.

Boxing Day! I just love Boxing Day! As a professional musician, I get laid over and over on Boxing Day… Oops, sorry that got a little to close to raining attention…

May Day! I just LOVE May Day!!

Sweet Basil

Didn’t get voted for a damn thing!
(thanks guys…)

Halloween, by a mile. (Or for those in the UK, by a hectare divided by a of the square root of a rood…)
Used to love Christmas, but it’s been so commercialized, beaten into the ground and plagued with hype that “snow and Christmasy” feeling is mostly a signal for large bottles of Excedrin.

Not to gork off the fundies or clear-liners, but Halloween still holds some magic for me. A full, golden harvest moon and the sense of “life out there”, with some edges and mystery hold a much greater part of my heart and imagination.

Mardi Gras, IMO, is a rootless excuse for excess. Nothing against excess, mind you, but snivelling after-the-fact just negates the impulse and the purity.

If you’re gonna frolic in a moolit garden, then intend it, savor it and don’t gritch about it later!


I like Purim, cause you’re supposed to a. dress in costume and b. get really drunk. It’s a mitzvah to get blasted! Cool!

I also like Thanksgiving. I’m a vegetarian now, so no turkey for me, but man, do I love stuffing. Mmm…stuffing…

I like Carnival too, but I don’t live in Brazil, which makes celebrating it kinda hard.


“Don’t Do It.”

I like Halloween because of the atmosphere. Although lately all I do is stay home and watch my dad eat all the substandard candy that mom waited until the day before to buy because she was ‘busy’.

“I believe every word that man just said, because it’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”
-Space Ghost

I gotta go with New Year’s, even though the last one was very disapointing.

There I was, with my shotgun, gasoline, and a year’s worth of food, and no ravening hordes.

What a fookin’ rip!

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

Yeah, everyone knows you aren’t supposed to EAT the lobster!

This is a good way to boost my post count. :wink:

I don’t have a favorite holiday.


The reason that this didn’t come out the way you expected is that the board now has HTML turned off. You have to use the UBB codes [singingbadly] and [/singingbadly].

Christmas by far is my fav. It’s the one time of the year when everyone seems to be nice to everyone else.

I’ve learned that if someone says something unkind about me, I must live so that no one will believe it.

Christmas. I love the nostaligia of it–the closeness to family, the thrill of buying gifts, and of course–receiving them. :smiley:

Ah, way to pad the post count there…

Teaching: The ultimate birth control method.

Poster You’d Most Like to Date–Female
Second Official SDMB Awards

Laura’s Stuff and Things

I like Halloween through New Year’s. First Halloween, then 2 and a half weeks later, my birthday. A week after that it’s Thanksgiving, a month later, Christmas, then New Year’s.
I always felt sorry for my sister, whose birthday is in July.

I’m not a fallen angel, I’m a risen demon.

I used to think July 4th, but after being the lone Wal-Mart garden center employee on July 3rd, I’ve become disgusted with it. Besides, Christmas certainly has the best commercials, and isn’t that what it’s all about?

Michelle, shame on you for

(a) ruining my image of you; and
(b) making me thing of that again.

Now I’ve got to go wash my mind out with soap. (The bubbles tickle.)
