Mile's Adventures in Iowa

Miles arrived in Iowa last Monday, July 13th. We didn’t do a lot this past week, just normal everyday stuff. My kids enjoyed having Miles here. My son was gone most of the week we had him so the girls got to spend more time with him.

On Tuesday we had a monkey tea party. Miles was the guest of honor and my daughters “invited” other monkey friends. Tuesday evening the girls were off to spend the rest of the week and weekend at grandma’s house. Miles took a little road trip with us.

On Wednesday Miles went to lunch with stormchaser and I at our favorite Chinese restaurant. We ran errands the rest of the day.

On Thursday Miles got to meet another doper/lurker Sanderella90. We visited my towns main attraction - the Bell Tower. Miles rode up to the top ( 120 stories ) and looked out over the Iowa country side.

On Friday Miles went to Des Moines with me to get my son. He was not impressed with Des Moines after being other places!! After we left Des Moines we went to pick up my step daughters. Miles got do drive all over west central Iowa this week.

Saturday Miles watched cartoons all day with the mischaser kids. He also picked fresh veggies out of the garden.

Sunday Miles spent most of the day resting.

Monday Miles got ready to leave here. We looked all over Jefferson for a pin for Miles, but none were to be found.

Today, July 20th, Miles left here. He is headed off to New York City. In the box with Miles is a CD that has the pictures I took over the week he was here. Feel free to add more photos to it so when Miles gets back to Bear_Nenno he can see all of Mile’s new friends and the fun that Miles had.

The pictures in the link

  1. Miles the day he got here
  2. Miles having lunch with my girls.
  3. Miles having lunch with my girls. ( Emily, my 4 year old does not like peanut butter sandwiches )
  4. Getting ready for the tea party
  5. Kelli pouring the tea
  6. Emily and Miles
  7. Kelli pouring Miles a drink
  8. Emily and Miles
  9. Emily and the monkeys
  10. The girls and their monkey friends
  11. Miles and the monkey twins
  12. The girls, Miles and the monkey twins
  13. Miles in the car - safety first !!
  14. Miles and the girls, being silly
  15. Miles working at work
  16. Miles and stormchaser
  17. Our favorite Chinese restaurant
  18. Miles before going up the bell tower
  19. The bell tower
  20. Miles by the Scranton over look
  21. Scranton is 10 miles from this view
  22. Lurker Sanderella90
  23. My son, Kyle, Miles and my cousin’s twins Natalie and Nathaniel
  24. Speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil
  25. Miles getting some sun before being put back into the box
  26. Miles and the kids just before a water balloon fight
  27. The kids waving goodbye to Miles
  28. The kids waving hello to all of you.

A big D’OH moment here - that should be 120 feet.

It’s 12 am, and I have been awake since 5 am yesterday, please forgive me!

Just out of curiosity, I looked up the tallest building in Iowa.

44 stories. :slight_smile:

27 pictures of misstee’s adorable kids and a monkey. 0 pictures of misstee. :frowning:


As I was typing I was mentally trying to convert to stories - and mistyped!

Miles couldn’t make it down to the Quad Cities for a quick visit?
Maybe we could invite him back and we could have a small dopefest? I have vacation time this year so I will be able to attend if something happens to get organised.

If I would have had Miles a week later, he certainly could have.
I am going to be camping by Tipton this weekend.

Don’t worry, misstee, there is a place for people like us!!

Oh, and awesome pictures. Thank you so much for taking care of him on his little trip!!