Intelectuallly Inferior Dopers, UNITE!!

I know we’re all about fighting ignorance and all that. But you can’t fight ignorance without a little imput from, well… the ignorant. How else could you all know what goes through the minds of the intelectually challenged.

After reading Lobsang’s post, I realized that all of us non-geniuses need to come out and be recognized. No longer must we hide in fear or cowar under our blanket of ignorance. We must rise up and be heard!
We don’t have to be ashamed that we have no fucking clue exactly how hawking radiation works, or why it should even matter to us. We never argue about perfect grammer or definitions. We’re not exactly sure which “effect” to use in a particular sentence. Maybe it should have been “affect”?? But we try! And we use all the time!

Whenever other Dopers allude to some classice novel, we pretend to laugh. Then we hit up Google to see what the hell was so funny. We can never make a good point in GD, no matter how pationate we might feel about something. We mainly just lurk there. We can occassionaly help out in GQ, (and not always with just anecdotes either!) but we definitely reading everyone else’s answers.

But we do add a bit diversiveness to these boards. Whether or not “diversiveness” is even a word! We add funny games and stories to MPSIMS, and we complement others’ stories with tales of our own!

So come on out and be recognized! Who is a closeted NON-Genius!?

It’s on my ‘Links’ bar!

I own 'Universe in a Nutshell, but about 1/4 of the way in I have to read a sentence about 8 times before I concede that I have no f**king clue what the hell he’s talking about.

My last venture into GD was a disaster/embarrasment/display of ignorance.

Thanks for reminding me that I’m not alone. :slight_smile:

Count me in as clueless. Hell my idea of a Great Debate is, should I choose Snickers or Reeses? I am not afraid. Call me ignorant. If it wasn’t for us ignorant people you smart people wouldn’t have anything to talk about. :smiley:

Here we are now. Entertain us.
Or not. We can entertain ourselves with shiny objects and bad jokes.

I’m too lazy to use If I’m not sure how to spell a word, I Google it, and if it’s misspelled, Google comes back and says, “Did you mean [right spelling]?” Then I can follow the Google link to the definition.

I use Google for spell check too. What’s bad is when google says, “did you mean something not even close to what I meant”, so I have to think of another word. It makes me feel stupid. :frowning:

Finally, a thread where my input is on par with the others.
I salute you Bear_Nenno . Here after you shall be known as Bear_Nenno, the Moderatly Less Retarded Than Most of the Others . You sir, or sirette as the case may be, are a worthy leader for us.

Right here, too. Pop culture, I know. Kind of. Useful info, not so much. Once a discussion gets past the point of strongly-held personal opinions and gets into “research” and “facts” and “actual information” and “contributing something useful to the conversation,” I’m lost.

Picker checking in!

Where do you want me? on the left?

::Looks at both hands, squints, ponders, squints again::

::goes to the right::
It’s good to fit in here… :wink:

blinks slowly and pronouncedly

Say it with pride: DUUUH!

Another member of the new club checking in, sometimes I feel so “outgunned” on this board that I have resorted to moderately witty drive by posts, if you want anything smushed with a hammer I will be standing over there looking at the ceiling.


FINALLY! Somewhere I feel not so stupid. Some post’s, all I hear is a giant WHOOSH! over my head. I have been more and more aquantied crosses out aqwantied crosses out a… crosses out FREINDLY with google since I started reading this board.

:smack: *friendly

I’ve always accepted the fact that I’m not the brigtest crayon in the box, but never wanted to admit it… :frowning:

Now I feel more comfortable knowing that there are others here that don’t always get it. Add me to the list as well please. :smiley:

Oh, oh, pick me! Pick me!

<standing in the corner, doing that thing dumb cartoon characters do with their finger and their lips>

Include me in the marginally edumacated group.

I do, however, get comfort from the fact that while some of us may not be smart, we are wise.

Or wiseasses.

My signature line alone, should prove my worthiness to this club. :stuck_out_tongue:
Or Worthlessness. You pick.
Worthlessness. Is that a word? Unworthful. Unworthfull?
Ahhhh nevermind. :smack:

I’m here! I made it :cool:
Now, what do I win? :smiley:

A t-shirt that says “STUPID DOPER”
It also shows a stick figure walking into a pole. Or their tounge stuck on a metal pole. Either way.

I’ve had the book for about a year and a half. I bought it during my “I think physics is interesting phase”. I’ve tried numerous times to read the book, and nothing (or very little). I took a year of Physics in University and the teacher pitied me with a 50. Funny story, we spent 3 months of the year on Inertia. I studied a lot. Every night. I tried all of the problems and still went into the exam not really having a good grasp as to what Inertia even was. I got 19% on the test and the funniest part is, I don’t know how I even manged to get a 19. I mean I knew NOTHING. The good part about that test is that it put me in my place. I realised I wasn’t as smart as I thought I was because there I was on the far left of the mark distribution graph.

Anyhow, I would like to join the club. There are a few posts of mine somewhere in the great debate archives but every so often I end up in a thread where there are entire posts that might as well be in a different language. When it comes to finding sources and putting together an arguement? I go on google for a while and have no idea what is a reliable source and what isn’t. I also have a few embaressing posts relating to politics that I’d like to forget. 99% of my total posts are in either IMHO or Cafe Society (mostly the latter, I am in film school) and I am now okay with that. :slight_smile:


I do, however, get comfort from the fact that while some of us may not be smart, we are wise.

Or, as Celine de 'Avignon said in the 1927 classic Thoughts for Modern Languages: “De jeune de egtonere, sine le mondis pon forunce!”