Fine, I’ll play. Though the problem with this is trying to remember all the dopers you know information about.
Some of these might not be accurate, but they are my current impressions of the dopers.
runner pat - Is buying a new computer.
Lobsang - Drinks a lot. Posts while drunk from time to time.
Chefguy - Knows how to make good coffee.
panache45 - Gay. In a good relationship.
silenus - Likes booze and Joss Whedon. Good man.
Diogenes the Cynic - Posts a lot. Has strong views on things.
ArchiveGuy - Has good tastes in movies .
Lissener - Used to work in video store. Likes Showgirls.
Hal Briston - He did not have sex with sheep.
Qadgop the Mercotan - Prison Doc.
Johnny L.A. - Camera man. Likes Jim Jarmusch.
John Mace - Conservative.
Marley23 - Journalist.
elucidator - Has some good jokes.
BrainGlutton - Knows a lot about different political theories.
Oakminster - Defense Lawyer.
Spoons - Canadian Lawyer.
Hello Again - New Lawyer.
Argent Towers - Cares about guns. Might be Jewish.
Shodan - Conservative, but very interesting when he isn’t talking about politics.
OpalCat - Artist. Bubble Wrap. Hi Opal!
MeanOldLady - Dressed up as catwoman for Halloween. Is not really mean.
olivesmarch4th - Buddhist. In a good relationship. Writes her heart out in threads where people ask about psychological problems.
ivan astikov - Good magician.
Alice The Goon - Is currently getting her groove back.
Terry Kennedy - Helped fix my laptop.
Idle Thoughts - Created an anthology of all the “ask the…” threads. Might have a really uncommon sleep disorder.
Cervaise - Knows a lot about movies.
Mr Bus Guy - Drives a school bus.
HazelNutCoffee - Has a cat.
I’m sure I’m forgetting others. I left out all the mods and people I know from my one game of mafia.