Rate your own popularity on the Dope.

I put 50+. Not that I’m terribly popular, but I have a really, really long name, and I post in most of the forums, which makes a big difference.

I figured the easiest way to determine whether or not I “know” you is to post my mental flash card for you. So here are my mental flash cards for people who posted in this thread (and for whom I have mental flash cards).

bucketybuck: Irish. Funny. May be thinking of kambuckta, but he/she is Australian. Fuck, I forget which is which.

kidneyfailure: name familiar. Possibly a dialysis patient.

Covered_In_Bees: thinks he’s a dude, in clear opposition to the majority of other posters. Posts about sex a lot. Kind of reminds me of myself.

Antinor01: Gay. Posts a lot in SSM threads, unsurprisingly.

Hal Briston: Has an adorable daughter. Possibly two. Didn’t fuck a sheep.

Plan B: Conservative. Argumentative. Actually pretty reasonable. Also, funny.

Renee: Hot. Married to another hot person. Artistic type - paints watercolors or tiptoes through tulips or something.

Shakes: Used to be kind of crazy. Changed username from all caps.

Diogenes the Cynic: I got nothing. Well, except Vikings fan, veteran, incurable liberal, former pothead/hippie, married, lives in Minnesota.

DianaG: Likes to have a lot of sex a lot. Does not like people infringing on her right to have sex. Seems like she might be the old loud lady double-fisting gin and tonics at the bar, but is probably not actually old. My kind of chick.

BellRungBookShut-CandleSnuffed: Has a name I always think I should recognize, from a book or somesuch

ShibbOleth: My favorite person in the whole wide world. Except myself.

MeanOldLady: Sort of like DianaG, only black, although I have no reason to believe DianaG is not also black, come to think of it. Is owed a boat by me. Like me, spends the most time in the Pit and IMHO.

jali: Rings a bell.

Shagnasty: is from Massachussetts, but lives in Louisiana. Or vice versa. Something like that. Has gun. Possibly several.

Chez Guevara: English. Clever name. Posts in sports threads a lot.

Qadgop the Mercotan: Prison doctor. Has a doper kid who possibly no longer posts here - elfsomething, I think. Has many disgusting yet fascinating stories.

Chessic Sense: used to be **IntelSoldier **(possibly separate words or uncapitalized or something).

Unauthorized Cinnamon: has best name ever. Female. Owns a pair of crotchfruit. Friendly.

NineToTheSky: English. Father of IHaveHipposInMyGarden. Likes… war memorabilia?

chowder: old feller in Manchester or environs. Has irresponsible son. Probably generally found with copy of *The Sun *opened to Page 3.

**Malleus, Incus, Stapes!: **Female. Do not understand username. Feel angry because do not understand username. Is new-ish.

IvoryTowerDenizen: Female. Good at Feuds.

MsWhatsit: Kinda motherly, in a good way.

mswas: Unpredictable. Tends to swing back and forth in my estimation from “douche” to “good guy”, occasionally within minutes. More conservative than general population of boards in most areas. Massage therapist. Married.

Rick: Knows everything there is to know about Volvos, except not to buy them (just kidding!)

WordMan: Is into guitar. Posts in Cafe Society more than elsewhere.

Shirley Ujest: My second favorite person who isn’t me.