Miles, the Incredibly Mis-Named Hamster

As some of you might remember, Nathan Jr. passed away last month. He was a good little hamster, who loved to run.

But Miles quickly took over the job duties of eating, burrowing, hoarding bits of cardboard, running in both the ball and the wheel, and peeing in the corner. He was a little skittish at first, but he’s getting used to me.

We’ve gotten into a good morning routine wherein I wake up, take my shower, and come into the family room and pull the drapes open. The cascade of sunlight tears his little nocturnal world apart, as he runs around, jumps little backflips, runs up his habitrail and scratches at his dome. He looks like he’s generally happy to see me (or at least my giant fingers bearing food), and if it’s early enough, he can run around in the ball for a while while I make my lunch.

But this morning the routine was slightly different. As I parted the curtains, he merely stood up from where he was sleeping (in another part of the habitrail, which was odd), and does a little up-and-down dance. He looked much like my brother on the dance floor, with his feet firmly cemented to the floor.

Then I noticed something else moving. Miles had company in the form of three tiny hamsters at his feet. Miles had babies!

So now Miles needs a new name, and Munch needs to figure out what three mini-hamsters need. Do I need to start a college fund?

Check with your petstore/vet but I’m sure the mini-hams will be fine for now. When they get older (in about 6 wks or so I think)they’ll be able to eat the same thing as mom and you’ll better be able to tell if they are male or female. Females can obviously stay with mom and males need their own habitrail.
:wink: This isn’t the first time it’s happened to a person. The fact that Miles wasn’t a male shoulda been obvious by lack of huge hamsterballs hanging from his (her) arse.:wink:
Good luck with the babies!

One of them needs the name Nathan III.

What’s wrong with Miles for a girl hamster?

Did Nathan Jr’s demise arise during orgasm?

See, that’s something I didn’t know. I had assumed that hamster genitalia was generally teeny tiny, and the difference couldn’t be seen. Plus, Miles is a Siberian, so she’s extra small. So is her non-existing penis, which I obviously didn’t see.

I dunno. Doesn’t seem to fit anymore. I’ll probably go with Edwina. I’m a big Raising Arizona fan. Or I could go with Dot, who’s a T-i-g-e-r.

Nathan Jr. lived a solitary life of celibacy, so I’m thinking no.

Howzabout changing Miles to Millie?

Munch…I’ve never owned Siberians before, only Goldens and Teddybears but with all the male hamsters I ever had their genitalia was QUITE apparent.:smiley:
IDBB (who seconds the name change from Miles to Millie)

One of those coincidences that are too bizarre for fiction and could happen only in real life:

We had a kitten with the exact physical limitations and personality traits of Lois McMaster Bujold’s character Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, expressed in cat form – giving that little cat the name Miles was only logical.

But Miles turned out to be female, when she got old enough to sex with some degree of certitude. However, she already knew her name, so we kept it.

Obviously, I’m in favor of Miles the hamster keeping her name!

Yeah, Nathan Jr. was a Teddybear. Siberians are much smaller. It was funny watching her go up the tubes, because there was so much room. Nathan Jr. had to squeeze through with a full pouch of food. I’m hoping it’ll be good strength conditioning, and I’ll have the most powerful hamster, pound for pound, in the world.

I don’t see what the problem is. As you pointed out, Miles is Miss-named.


Just name the hamster after Sylvia Miles..