Military Stadiums

You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

First, you think that the Army-Navy game is small. It’s not. It’s held in Lincoln Financial Field, home of the Philadelphia Eagles.

Secondly, you want to argue that filling a military-owned/operated NFL stadium would be easy, because you could just use military personnel, THEN you turn around and suggest that two military academies, students, parents and alumni contribute to a “small” game. Which is it?

Third, how the hell does building 32 NFL stadiums on military bases suddenly become cheap, just because you pass the cost to the government and the NFL?

All three points are nonsensical.

Yeah thats why its small because its held in an outsized stadium when it should be held at say West Point or Annapolis.

On to the 2nd point, yes it would be easy because you have more than just parents and alumni and students. You would have the reserves, other branches plus veterans plus active duty and of course dignitaries from Congress and maybe even a few former Presidents which would raise the profile of these games and make them more dignified.

And as to your third point, how do you think Trump is going to build the wall? When there is a will there is a way, and paying for it for a few years isn’t going to hurt the taxpayer or the NFL any now is it? I didn’t think so.

I just had a really brilliant idea

You could use Mexicans and Americorps to build the stadiums, it would be essentially cheap labor because you could subsidize it and pay below the minimum wage because the Mexicans would be on a specially created guest worker program and Americorps needs the service hours and would be learning a valuable trade of construction.

You do realize no professional sports team would involve itself in your idea, right?

I think they would when their owners require them to. And their owners would do it because it would be a huuuugggeee cost savings. You do realize The Donald has done many of these same practices right? Cheap labor works and its the gruel that keeps the sweat shops running at maximum capacity.

Why would they stop doing something that is making them millions of dollars? The Department of Defense pays tens of millions of dollars for professional sports organizations to “appreciate” their service members. These tributes are not out of admiration, they are profit driven events.

I’m sorry but there are literally people dying for our freedom, the last we can do is show some damn appreciation for it! If a tribute at the game is too much for you to stomach maybe you should go to Sweden or Germany.

Army–Navy Game

It would certainly cut into REVENUE quite a lot.

If you think it’d be a huuuuuge cost savings, you are painfully ignorant of the economics of professional sports. Do you think professional sports teams pay for their own stadiums now?

Donald Trump’s foray into professional sports is not one of business glory.

That would be nice if the teams actually appreciated the veterans, instead of being paid to do what amounts to a commercial for the military. Of all the things wrong with the world this practice is way down there with…my neighbor who overshares when I talk to her, but let’s not be fooled into thinking sports teams and leagues are especially patriotic.

With all the phony patriotism and ‘every soldier is a hero’ being rammed down our throat for the last 15 year, I’d rather they honor Goldman Sachs and hedge fund managers for a change of pace.

Yes they have a financial motivation but Americans are patriotic and thats why they did it. No American is gonna boycott because of it

And enlisted personnel don’t give a shit about future officers running around a football field.

So, if an NFL stadium was built on a military base, I imagine it would be made known that the Base Commander desires all personnel to attend. Because whatever bigwig thought this would be a good idea would look bad if the stadium was only 1/2 full for a game. I think that’s right up there with “Morale here is lousy! You’re all on extra duty and NO leave or liberty until morale improves!”

Key-rist! If the military has money to spend on football stadiums for the NFL, maybe they could find some money for housing for bachelor enlisted personnel.

They wouldn’t need to, you are assuming that the military hates professional football. What a terrible blanket statement to make! The stadiums would be full every game because who wouldn’t want to go to a football game?

This is the best thread.

Thank you <3

If the least we can do is show some damn appreciation for veterans, why are you defending the fact that the NFL charges the milutary to show “appreciation”. That is disingenuous to say the least!! Tou think I should move to Sweden because I have an issue with the Department of Defense havig to pay NFL teams 8n order to be appreciated?? Because I think that the NFL should not be paid millions to simply to give out a few free tickets to a game thats not even sold out and let some soldiers go out onto the field at halftime to be paraded around… all while acting as if it is from a genuine support and appreciate of the troops? Thats why I should move to Germany? Spare me that nonsense.
Thanks for the lesson on what soldiers sacrifice for our freedoms, though. I had no idea :rolleyes:
Maybe the DOD should shell out another $60 million over the next 3 years (like they did from 2012-2015) so that the NFL will pretend to give a shit…

If you actually read the thread instead of blowing hot air out your bum you would notice I say the money should come from entitlements and welfare programs. Uncle Sam has more than enough money to spend on stadiums and they’d pay themselves off and the NFL would spend some of the cost too. Its all fair that way.

I know what your stupid idea is. I’m saying the NFL would not bother since they already get the government to pay for their stadiums and they already sell “military appreciation” events to the DOD.
This is absolutely the dumbest, most pointless proposal I’ve ever read on this board.