Milk consumption

I buy a quart of whole milk and put it in my two mugs of coffee per day, so a quart lasts about a week. I have yogurt/ice cream/cottage cheese every so often.

I bought goat milk at one time from a local farm, and it was udderly delicious :D! (but the farm went out of business for some reason :frowning: ) I buy some other goat milk and goat yogurt at the farmers market if they have it, very tasty!

2%, a full glass in the morning and at least one to two full glasses of chocolate milk throughout the rest of the day. Really dark chocolate milk, like at least 25% hershey’s syrup.

You guys are talking about how much milk you go through, I go through about 1-2 of the big bottles of hershey’s syrup per week. Last year I made a light out of a #10 Hershey’s Syrup can. Everyone asked me what I was going to do with all the syrup…like that was going to be some king of issue or problem. (It’s only 8 large bottles, I have that many empties laying around the house at any given time before I combine them into one and toss them)

If you’re using the term milk in a more vague sense I have rice milk with my cereal most mornings and mix soy milk with ice coffee syrup a few times a week as a treat.

In cooking I tend to use soy milk as it seems to have the best consistency, other plant milks seem too watery

Those on a chocolate kick in your milk, you can make your own syrup out of cocoa powder, water, and cane sugar. Hershey’s is “acceptable” but it’s easy to make and probably cheaper if that matters. Experiment with Dutch process cocoa, or your favorite cocoa powder.

Milk has to be ice cold, or it loses a lot of its attractiveness to me. I like Milk in the sense that it goes so well with other foods. “Wish I had a glass of milk to go with this.” Who could eat chocolate chip cookies without it? It is really good with sandwiches, bag of chips, pickles, horseradish/mustard etc. Bowl of Chili. Lots of people enjoy a glass of wine with spaghetti. Not me, ice cold milk.

When it starts to turn Red that’s about right huh? lol. See the above post about “rollin yer own”, Hershey’s like everybody else long since switched to corn syrup for sweetener. You can use any cocoa powder and sugar to make a really good syrup. Thank me later.

Sorry, you’re not taking away my hershey’s. I won’t even try the generic stuff at the store to save a few dollars on the off chance that it tastes different. To be fair, when it comes to chocolate, I A)eat a lot of it (you have no idea) and B)actually do like the cheap stuff. I like hershey bars and symphony bars. I eat what doctors call an “unhealthy” amount of M&M’s. If I need chocolate chips for a recipe and don’t just toss the rest of the bag in, I’ll just eat them over the next day or two. But, OTOH, when people give me dark chocolate or expensive (ie Godiva) Chocolate etc, it just doesn’t do it for me. Those Hershey Santas that come out around Christmas…I probably go though 60 or 70 them during the holiday season.

While I’m sure it’s fine to make your own, this is what I grew up and it works for me. Also, I despise that gritty texture that powered things tend to leave behind in milk (which is the reason I never like Nesquik/Ovaltine). On top of all that, my ADHD hypersensitivity goes into overdrive when things things like that are different.
In short, I really like Hershey’s Syrup. You saw the light fixture I made, right?

No no… you misunderstand. First, you’re making syrup. No grittiness. It’s just like Hershey’s Syrup (if you use Hershey’s Cocoa) only better, because they use Corn Sweeteners in lieu of cane sugar. Trust Me.

I like Hershey’s for topping on ice cream, and in Milk. Their candy bars are … better than nothing. It’s decent chocolate.

About a gallon of milk per week just for me. I switch between whole and 2%, depending on the use by date. Occasionally the stores misjudge and the freshest they have of one is very short dated so I’ll grab the other.

Just a nice tall glass of cool milk is usually enough to stifle and sweet tooth cravings for something much less healthy. And then I like my creamy soups and cook with milk regularly making other stuff.

Used to love it when I was younger. My breakfast in Vietnam was a quart of chocolate milk and a sausage sandwich. :slight_smile:

Living overseas for many years, the only milk available was UHT, which I didn’t like. After not drinking milk all those years, when I tried to start up again back in the states, it induced diarrhea, so I cut out most all of it other than some half & half in my coffee. These days it’s just Lactaid for me, which tastes fine, but I rarely just drink it plain. A bit in coffee, occasionally a bowl of cereal.

I have always been lactose intolerant, so the only milk I drink is vanilla almond milk. I only use it for cereal (not drinking it as a beverage). I go through a half gallon every two weeks. I do use a little condensed milk in cooking.

I don’t drink very much milk at all but when I do (did you hear that in the voice of the Most Interesting Man in the world:)) it’s 2%. Growing up it was always skim. That’s what my parents used and to me that was “milk”. Whole milk may as well have been heavy cream.

When do drink milk it is in the following situations:

  1. Bowls of cereal.
  2. With Cake sometimes.
  3. With Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (or toast and Peanut Butter of it’s a snack).

Gallons. Drink it every day, one of my two go-to beverages (the other being Diet Coke). I would say about 2 gallons a week, 2%.

I drink about one to three glasses of 2% milk every day.

I grew up in a family of three. I had two older siblings. Even though when I was nine in 1978, we had milk in glass bottles. (That would be a great separate thread!)

We went through six half gallons a week. Then my sister moved out. My dad said they wouldn’t have to buy so much milk.

But we still went through six half gallons a week.

Then my brother moved to college. And my dad said finally, they wouldn’t have to buy so much milk.

And that’s when it was discovered that I, at age ten, was drinking three gallons of milk a week.

At least now I get to drink whole milk. Back then it was 2%, and later nonfat.

I drink about a gallon a week now.

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Two gallons a week of skim milk. Until recently, it was closer to 7/3 gallons a week, but I’ve cut back a little.

A couple of tablespoons of half and half in my coffee everyday.

Whole milk always. In coffee, over cereal, in a glass with cookies. About a gallon a week. Not usually with meals unless I’m having something that “goes” like a PB&J or PB on toasted pumpernickel.

I use it in cereal, and I might make a glass of chocolate milk every couple of months, but I never drink white milk. I didn’t drink it as a kid, either (at least not when I was old enough to remember). Luckily, I still somehow managed to grow up big and strong. :slight_smile: