Miller Lite has the stupidest ad campaign ever right now.

If it tastes like Miller, I’ll have “less taste,” please.

Do you have any soda water? That’ll do until until you can stock the fridge. Thanks.

Ivan Skevar and Abdulla Bulbul from Whtibread (1982) owns them all.

“Hey you’re not drinking Miller Lite.”
“No, I don’t care what beer I drink.”
“Well that’s the second unmanly thing you’ve done today.”
“Was me fucking your mom the first one?”

Speaking of idiotic ad campaigns trying in vain to make the product appear manly, there’s Dr. Pepper 10. Watching the commercial actually makes me feel kind of bad for the main guy in it; he’s trying his very best to convince people that throwing a few calories back in the mix marks this drink as being for men only, and it just isn’t working. I wouldn’t guess that Dr. Pepper 10 is going to be long for this world.