Mind your Own G-D business

To the moron in the coffee shop today: Mind your own G-D business :mad:

One of my friends noted that I had become thin. It’s true; I went on Weight Watchers and lost a lot of weight :D. So the woman next to me asks me: “How do you lose this weight?” I started to answer, when the mental deficiency next to me says “Ya wanna know how to lose weight? Do exercise, avoid fats. Like this guy” (points to my plate) “The turkey sandwich is good, but the tortilla chips are bad.” :rolleyes: And etc.

Look, f–ktard, the woman asked me, not you. Weight Watchers has some great ways to lose weight and keep it off. They do include exercise, but not all fats are bad. In fact, WW maintains that no food is “bad”. It’s more our habits with food that cause us to gain weight and keep it on.

And thanks for criticizing me for the tortilla chips. Fact is, I know exactly what I’m doing, bozo. Go criticize someone else, or better yet, go out and play in traffic.

I finally got to explain myself to the woman, but this guy really burned me up bad. He’s lucky I was in a generally benevolent mood; I hear that a crushed-tortilla-chip enema can be really painful. :eek:

What an annoying busybody.

Congrats on losing all that weight!

TY. It was a pleasurable experience. I really focused on eating right and eating well. Losing the weight, in retrospect, seems almost like a side-benefit.

Yeah, can’t do without any fats. Fats should constitute about 20% of your caloric intake.

I bet the bovine bitch was jealous.

For those kinds of people, it would be so nice to have a hired guy in dark glasses with a taser, who would come up and zap 'em when they spouted something stupid.

I’ve always heard it was 30%. And no, you could not live without a generous helping of fat in your diet. They help make up your cell membranes, for one thing. I personally am fond of my cells having membranes.

Look at it this way: People will look at you being a healthy weight and will look at Mr Asshat as being an asshat.


Ah, that so reminded me of this Onion article:

SAN JOSE, CA—Heritage Ink Supply sales representative Eric Vanderbilt broke his workout routine down in the company breakroom Monday, for the benefit of coworker Jennifer Kim.[\quote]http://www.theonion.com/content/node/39406

Mind you own business? I’ll tell you how to mind your own business! You see that business there… no, not that business the other business, yeah OK now mind that! Now that business is pwned!

Can I have your tortilla chips? If I promise to slather them in nacho cheese and let it drip down my chin?

Come on, please???

What a jack-ass, I wouldn’t have been nearly so benevolent. Congrats!

Yup. I have had to increase my beer intake so the fats contained in a 12 oz. filet, baked potato with butter & sour cream, and a wedge of cheesecake are now only about 18% of my total calories.

Gotta go now. It’s time for my feeding.

WTF? Way to overreact and stereotype. Funny how you assume that the “bitch” was “bovine.” First of all, the OP said it was a guy who stuck his worthless 2 cents in. Second, in my experience, the self-righteous judgmental types who so love to impart their (incorrect) advice on How We All Should Eat tend NOT to be women – and certainly not overweight women. So nuke the “bitch be jus’ jellus” bullshit.

Congrats to 633squadron for your achievement.

What a jerk. This is right up there with helping yourself from a buffet table and the guy next to you asking “You gonna leave some for the rest of us?”

No, dumbass, I’m gonna pay a hundred bucks for the entire freakin’ salad bar!

I realize that came out sounding not the way I meant. I meant bovine as in bovine-minded, like a dumb herd mentality. I’ve got a sinus infection and a larynx infection right now, and have had 4 hours sleep in the last 2 days. So I’m feeling pretty wiped out and absentmindedly didn’t choose the best words. I’m far from skinny myself, so I’d be one of the last people to attack someone based on weight, anyway.

You might have asked for an explanation before your flaming knee-jerk reaction.

What I find so amusing about weight loss is that most people don’t want to know how you really did it. What they really want to hear is, “Well… you take this magic pill and…”

I have had some people honestly ask me how I’ve lost the 44 pounds (so far), but they are few and far between.

Tortilla chips?

We should send you to Mexico.

Oh people ask me, but when I tell them Weight Watchers, boy! Some of the reactions are wonderful.

99% of the people say “yeah, but don’t you hate having to buy all that special food?” No, sorry ma’am, you’re thinking of Jenny Craig. Weight Watchers you can do with ordinary food.

Some say “Oh, you weren’t that heavy…” I am 6’1" with a linebacker’s “frame”. Some of it was muscle, and some more might have looked like muscle, but trust me, I did not have any healthy excuse for weighing 265. It’s sad, really; guys can easily get away with being dangerously overweight, while women stress over an extra 5 lbs.

Mexico? Wait, that’s another thread… :smiley:

People like this are the reason the phrase “I’m sorry, but was someone talking to you?” was invented. Try it! No need to engage a jackhole like that.

How does one go about becoming qualified to put this sort of thing on one’s resume?

It sounds to be vastly satisfing employment, as well as a Public Service.

Really? I have been unable to read their minds to determine for certain what they really want to hear. It probably varies from person to person.