Minor things you find you are surprisingly judgemental about

Another definition is: “What happens when Tom Cruise doesn’t shave for some time”.

Okay, back on topic: You wash the dishes (by hand, using the sink; I should also note that garbage disposals in sinks are not the norm around here), but don’t clean the drain afterwards - leaving a nasty plethora of leftover food bits soaked in dishwater just sitting there. GROSS!!! That’s a minor thing that really disgusts me - to the point of gagging, and losing my appetite for hours even if I felt hungry before.

People who fly the Confederate flag, or have one clipped onto their car (or, more often, big-ass truck), or a sticker of same. It’s like a flashing neon sign saying “I’m a toothless, cousin-fuckin’, moonshine-swillin’, trailer park-dwellin’ redneck idiot!”

Theres a reasonable medium: DONT LEAVE THE CART IN A PARKING SPOT.

That, I hate.

You want one?

—Not really a Scientologist, but I couldn’t pass that up.

I look down on a myriad things. Off the top of my head, at the moment I look down on people who eat in the street and/or eat with their mouths open. Quite unsurprisingly these groups overlap a lot.

I look down on people who are too stupid/selfish/lazy to stand on the left* of the escalator.

I look down on people who try to pour themselves into clothes two or three sizes two small - not on the size of the individual, the inappropriate size of the clothing.

  • or right, for those of you who drive on the right side of the road.

Me too. I find French manicures tres tackee. 1989 called. It wants its fingernails back. When I see one, I can’t help but think that the person has bad taste.

Even worse are French pedicures. It emphasizes the free edge of the nail, which makes them look longer. Okay for the hands, totally gross for the feet. Long toenails are icky.

I look down on:

  • Women over the age of 18 who gush over the Twilight series.
  • Anyone who drinks beer/alcohol on a daily basis.
  • People who wear flip flops to any place other than the pool/beach or their own house/yard.

That’s funny, because I tend to get judgmental toward people who are always insisting that you have “just one drink.” It makes me think they are secret alcoholics trying to rationalize their excessive drinking by making sure everybody else does it too.

I also get judgmental about people who a) have children or b) are older than 30 who still go out drinking and partying.


My god, yes. I get almost as judgemental over this as over people who can’t use punctuation. A friend of mine, who is a 30-something respectable librarian with excellent taste in science fiction, recently fell into the Twilight trap. I find myself thinking less of her for liking a book. :o

No, thanks.

Best wishes on choosing Hubbard’s way though; may you become a Clear one day!
(Beware of clam chowder though - it might give you brown engrams and force you to audit over the big white phone!)

I don’t care if people think classical music is boring, but calling it “relaxing” is a surefire way to get my blood boiling.

I judge people who pronounce foreign words incorrectly in an attempt to be more “authentic”, e.g. not saying the c in “coup de grace”.
I judge people who hate a lot of foods and refuse to try new ones.
I judge casual gamers.
I judge people who were clearly sheltered as children, though I suppose it’s not their fault.

And many more that people have already posted!

Goddamn neighbors who think everyone wants to hear their Mexican Ooompa/rap/death metal/country music. This applies to housing, camping, at the park, anywhere in a public setting.

People who don’t return the carts to the corral.

People that are way shorter than me.

People that refuse to use proper spelling and punctuation. I know we all make mistakes, but I’m talking wilful use of l33tsp34k, overuse of u and acronyms, or just flat out lazy typing. I knew one chick that wwpuid type like thss all the tme!!! I couldn’t stand it. OR her.

Exactly. I have teachers/classmates/coworkers in their 30s and 40s who are obsessed with it. They’ve been telling me since the movie came out that I just have to read the book or at least see the movie. I saw the trailers and read the synopsis. Neither interested me in the least. Might have when I was about 13 years old. I doubt it though.

I look down on people who use poor grammar.

I look down on people who smoke.

I look down on people who think the rules don’t apply to them.

I have a low opinion of people who maneuver their SUVs through the very crowded parking lot at work with a cell phone crammed onto one ear. This is approximately 2 out of every 3 cars.

Well, technically speaking, I have a low opinion of their concern for the fellow humans and their safety. Their ability to multitask and steer large vehicles one handed is apparently better than mine.

Technophobes annoy me, but I don’t get judgemental unless their job involves the technology in question. I have coworkers who will say things like “I hate computers” or “I hate spreadsheets”. Really? Why did you take an office job? Did you think there wouldn’t be any computers involved?

Somebody mentioned judging people who don’t vote. I used to do that, until I realized how useless voting is for me personally. So now I’m judgemental about not doing the math.

I judge people who laugh or talk loudly, but I know that I do this and that it’s not justified.

I look down, way down, on people who listen to modern-day mainstream pop radio trash. That fucking “disco stick” song qualifies, as does anything “sung” with an autotuner, everything by Lil’ Wayne, T-Pain, Soulja Boy and any other rapper or R&B “artist” with some stupidly cute name. Plain White T’s, Hey There Delilah - all that shit. Anything that’s on mainstream pop radio stations today is trash and I have found, almost uniformly, that the people who actually listen to it and enjoy it are people who I have absolutely nothing in common with.

(The station that plays this stuff now, when I was 12, played Cranberries, Weezer and Red Hot Chili Peppers. I used to listen to that radio every night in my room, the same exact station. It makes me want to cry. Anyone who says, “the pop music back then sucked too, you’re just biased because of nostalgia” is an idiot. There is absolutely no comparison between Alanis Morrissette, Jane’s Addiction, Sublime, even Third Eye Blind or fucking Sugar Ray, and the SHIT that is on the radio now. I’m sorry, this is not a subjective issue, it’s an objective one. If you disagree with me on this, I will judge you. That’s all there is to it.)

And then there are people who listen to mainstream music and watch mainstream tv and movies and read mainstream books, and assume everybody else does too.

“Whaddaya mean, you don’t know Thriller? Weren’t you around in the 80s?”
“Huh? You seriously never watched The Cosby Show?”
“You never heard of Twilight? What planet are you from?”

I seriously look down on these people.

I gotta say, being fat. I don’t care if someone is a little chubby, but when you look like a whale and have a triple digit bmi, it is your fault, and I will judge you. Also, people who instantly dismiss things they know nothing about. And people who think places like Applebee’s or Olive Garden are good restaurants.