Minor things you find you are surprisingly judgemental about

Adding this one, because I was reminded of it when I went out for lunch today.

Parents who care so little about their own health that they’ve let it bleed over into how they raise their kids, who are fed the same things their unhealthy parents eat- high sugar, high fat, low protein fast food and junk food. So lady, now your four year old son looks like an oversized Cabbage Patch doll, weighs about 75 lbs, and waddles because he can’t walk normally. And he’s four. But it’s OK, because you look exactly the same way as you waddle through the mall next to him, while you both snarf down your Haagen Dazs ice cream cones. I’m sure you’ll follow it up with a well-rounded diet of fruits, grains and vegetables. You’ve set up your kid for a lifelong battle with his weight and his health. Good on ya.

I look down on people who drive enormous SUVs for no reason (my dad drives a Hummer, for the record).

I look down on people who brag loudly that they never watch TV.

I look down on people who refuse to go anywhere with their children that doesn’t have a kid’s menu (I don’t mean they should take them to swanky places, but there are lots of Indian, Thai and Chinese restaurants that are child-appropriate, and most don’t serve chicken strips).

I look down on people who feed their kids heavily-commercialized toddler foods on a regular basis. You know, frozen and boxed toddler dinners, lunchables, uncrustables.

I look down on people who baby-proof their place to the nth degree. Yes, make sure your kid can’t stick a nail file into the electrical socket or tumble down a flight of stairs, but is a gate really necessary for two steps leading into a carpeted room or cushions all over the coffee table edges?

Stupid thing that came up last week: I look down on people who have an ironclad rule that their toddler can’t watch TV, and then proceed to watch TV themselves (but make the toddler turn away).

I am properly ashamed of myself, but there it is.

I look down on people who convert threads like these into free-for-all pet peeve fests. It’s called “minor things you find you are surprisingly judgmental about”. Being judgmental about SUV drivers or bad parents isn’t really surprising at all.

I get rather judgey when I see women with French manicures and throw in an extra tsk if they’re acrylic nails. It’s just so . . . pedestrian.*

*you may now judge me for my use of a $3 word.

I tend to look down on people who don’t vote. If you’re not going to vote I don’t care about your opinion on any political issue, even if I agree with you. Also people who look down on us nasty smokers.

While many of the things I cited in my post are indeed directly irritating when they impact on my life, I am in fact judgmental on these matters: that is, I do look down on the people who exhibit these behaviors, regardless of whether those behaviors directly impact my life or not.

Example: a driver tailgates me, yes, I get irritated because he’s directly threatening my safety. A driver tailgates somebody else, and I still think he’s a goddam moron because he seems to have no understanding of stopping distances and the pain/expense of an accident. This is despite his not being a direct threat to my own safety. I judge him to be unworthy of his license, if he even has one.

I find myself surprisingly judgemental about people who take it upon themselves to police a thread, but are neither the OP nor a moderator.

Having a problem with scientologists is not particularly surprising, either, but see post #1.

Bad parents, maybe not ( but it really depends on your definition of “bad” - for example personally I don’t consider a parent that over childproofs a house to be “bad”, just a little over the top ). But driving SUV’s truly is “minor.” There is nothing unquestionably evil about driving SUV’s, just like there is nothing unquestionably evil about not reading for pleasure, to take one of my examples.

Racism is major. Animal abuse is major.

SUV’s? Meh.

People who refer to the vulva as a clam. I don’t have a Scientologist between my legs!

Scientologists are referred to as clams?!?

Well, color me educated. Thanks!

Cell phone use drives me nuts.

They need to legalize the use of devices to stop people in designated areas from receiving calls.

Example: Chicago Public Library

Phone rings. The man picks it up. Security guard comes over and says “You can’t use that here, only in the doorway.” So the man procedes to head to the doorway TALKING ALL THE WAY THERE.

What’s the point? Now he’s disrupting everyone as he TALKS all the way from where he was sitting to the doorway.

Then the guy goes back where he was and the phone rings again. He picks it up and says “I’m in the library.” STILL TALKING he heads back to the doorway, talking all the while he is on the way to the doorway.

Unless you say “Hang up the phone NOW,” then walk to the designated area for cell phone use, then recall the person, there rule is totally ineffective.

Or then there’s there other cell phone example:

Phone rings:

“Hi, I can’t talk I’m in the library. OH yeah I’ll get some milk.” Then he hangs up. 30 seconds later the cell phone rings again. “Oh Hi honey, no I can’t talk I’m in the library,” and he hangs up. 30 seconds later the phone rings again “No, I told you I can’t talk.” he then hangs up again. 30 seconds later it rings… Well you see my point.

This guy is getting around the no cell phone use by keeping his conversations down to 10 seconds or less.

The sad part is it is easily possible to build a device that would render a cell phone unable to recieve a clear signal. The FCC bans that. There was one ridiculous example of a city hall that put some materials in a paint that interfered with cell phone signals. That was the point of this paint. The FCC told them to repaint it, 'cause any device that interfers with a cell phone signal is illegal.

I can understand an active signal but a benign things like metal in paint?

Rant over:

I’m judgemental about people who are judgemental about minor things.

Women who tan year-round.

Women who cannot/will not go out without perfectly primped hair and make-up. Nobody cares!! Why do YOU give so much power to people you don’t even know???

I have some news for you:

It was about time for another one of these threads. I needed to vent these two, because they flare up over the summer.

People who update their Facebook page in advance to say they will be traveling. You get a pass on this if you only friend people who you would give a key to your house. And double argh! at LinkedIn for having an application that encourages people to do this. Don’t expect a sympathy post from me when your house gets broken into.

Wearing footwear without socks for airplane travel. We know you had to go barefoot through security, along with apparently half of the rest of the flying public. One of the news shows should swab the floors in a TSA line and show the microbes in gory detail. This is the terrorists’ secret plan.

People with heavy tattooing and piercings and anyone who has tattoos on their neck, face or head

People who advocate solutions to political problems based on emotion and feeling rather than fact and reason (social conservatives and economic liberals, for example)

People who drive across multiple rows in parking lots rather than follow the lanes

People who would rather go to a chain restaurant than an independently owned eatery that serves a similar style of food

If you’re going to church, at least try to dress properly. Hint: t-shirts, shorts, jeans, flip-flops, sneakers, etc are not dressing properly in my book.

I like to fight the can’t-win fights! :smiley: