Mirroring my password-protected website

Before you jump the gun, I’d like to say up front that I’m asking this question for strictly legal purposes for my own personal use with my intellectual property.

That being said, I want to take my rather detailed site (hosted on another server) where I don’t have access to the original HTML’s and put them on a web-pliance that runs pocket IE4. Size isn’t an issue – but I haven’t found a spider/offline browser program that can download a password protected site. Anyone have an idea, aside from browsing every page and then clicking ‘save as’?

Cant you download with FTP program? Those programs allow you to input a password. There are tons of them at download.com & some windows versions comes with one but I don’t know how it works other than just type FTP in the run box.

Have you tried WebReaper? I’ve used it and it works fairly well, and it supports password protected sites: