Misinterpreted lyrics

Kinda like misheard lyrics but your got the words right and the meaning wrong. Thought about this after hearing some elementary school kids singing WAP. I’m not sure they knew what a WAP actually is. I remember thinking Afternoon Delight was about eating candy in the middle of the day (still love this song-- those harmonies are slammin’!). Michael Jackson singing Got To Be There? He loved the girl so much he had to rush to her house before she woke up, he loved her so much. Didn’t hear it wrong-- thought it wrong!

Do nursery rhymes count as lyrics? I was well into adulthood before I realized that “This little piggy went to market” didn’t mean the pig went on a shopping trip.

Wait, what? Holy shit! The other piggy should have been rejoicing all the way home. He probably knew better than I did what happened to his piggy brother.

Paul Simon song

Couple in the next room bound to win a prize
They’ve been going at it all night long
Well, I’m trying to get some sleep
But these motel walls are cheap
Lincoln Duncan is my name and here’s my song
Here’s my song

I thought the couple was fighting all night.

As a young teenager listening to the song “Life in the Fast Lane”, I interpreted the lyrics…

There were lines on the mirror
Lines on her face

…as meaning ‘she’ was looking in a mirror, thinking “what are those lines on the mirror?” and then realizing the lines were actually wrinkles on her face. Years later I realized the lyric meant doing lines of coke off a horizontal mirror.

Yeah, I know, right? I do not understand why that song gets so much hate, often ending up on “worst songs of the 70s” lists. It’s pure harmonic joy.

I still think that. And I’ll continue to.

It’s a nursery rhyme after all. Of course the pig wasn’t butchered. And you can’t tell me different.

PS Afternoon Delight sucks. Always has, always will. :slight_smile:

You are entitled to your own wrong opinion.

Similarly, Billy Joel’s Big Shot. “You had the Dom Perignon in your hand and a spoon up your nose.” I had a vision of someone sticking a big spoon like a soup spoon up their nose. I later learned about coke spoons and…yeah, that makes more sense.

Given that one of the piggies had roast beef, I would agree that the first one likely wasn’t butchered but went on a shopping trip; however, I suspect that this was still meant to be a double entendre joke.

(blinks) And I am one of today’s 10,000.

“Muskrat Love” on the other hand…

Wireless Access Point.
Our betters at state IT agencies have begun calling it an “AP”.

It’s a song by Cardi B. It means (and I’m going to spoiler it, and why did I even Google it? )

Wet Ass Pussy.

Listening to “Killer Queen” as a kid, I always just assumed I’d never understand the lyrics:

She keeps her no way in shondin in a pretty cabinet.
‘Let them eat cake’ she says, just like Marie Antoinette…

Then, thirty years later, I saw a huge bottle of…

You and Crowley.

The only reference to Moët & Chandon in Good Omens is an indirect one. “Admittedly [Crowley] was listening to a Best of Queen tape, but no conclusions should be drawn from this because all tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums. No particularly demonic thoughts were going through his head. In fact, he was currently wondering vaguely who Moey and Chandon were” (6).

Meaning they thought it was about a poor little kitten??