MissBungle - what an unpleasant creature!

omg that calls for a stfu.

so like stfu


I went back and read her posts (and anyone’s response which came up when I hit “Edit/Find/Bungle”), and I have yet to see anything which could be construed as a personal attack on anyone.

That is, I have seen her disapprove of things people DO, or weigh in with a (relatively) unpopular opinion of their possible MOTIVES.

I’ve seen her offer criticism rather than “oh, poor baby, tell us all how miserable you are and we’ll fall over each other in an effort to prove who is the most tolerant, the most sympathetic, the most empathetic.”

It’s obvious that she has very strong opinions about people artificially changing their body shapes in an effort to be happy with themselves…which makes perfect sense if she has formerly suffered from an eating disorder. If I have come close to death from not wearing a seat belt, I’m going to be pretty harsh to people who don’t wear them; if I have come close to death from attempting to master my body shape in an effort to be happy, I’m going to disapprove when I see other people doing the same thing, albeit by different methods.

If she’s a complete asshat I’m not going to defend her, but so far I haven’t seen anything I - if I had the same hot-button issues as her - and didn’t personally know some of the people with whom she’s had issues - wouldn’t have said myself.

I’ll back her up on that “Making Love” thread.

The guy goes on about he can only enjoy sex by hurting his partners, and she’s being told to shut the fuck for calling him on it?

That’s fucked up.

From this thread about DAVEW0071’s daughter Sakura:

MissBungle, when I was Sakura’s age I nearly died – more than once, actually – of an undiagnosed brain tumor. I had to give up my involvement in the theater because I was too sick to continue. I was throwing up backstage just before my last show, not because of nervousness but rather excessive intracranial pressure. I had surgery a couple of weeks later, then radiation, just recently surgery again, and soon I’ll have even more radiation.

And you know what? I still think what happened to Sakura was sucky, I still feel sorry for her, and I still think she and her parents have every right to be upset. You’re a heartless bitch for trying to make them feel guilty about it by playing the “child with cancer” card. What the hell makes you think you have the right to exploit the suffering of sick children to make good parents feel guilty for caring about their own children? I’m sure DAVEW0071 cares about sick kids a lot more than you do, if only because he isn’t trying to use them.

Oh, fucking hell. This is about the most ridiculous thread I’ve read in months. Frankly, most of the responses to her comments have been far more pissy and unpleasant than the comments themselves. Not to mention more judgemental. Apparently, it’s just fine for more established members to be rude and shitty, but newbies are now required to be sweetness and light and hand out lollipops before participating in a discussion. Jesus Fucking Christ.

Someone mentioned that she doesn’t seem interested in making friends, and I think that’s a pretty fair assessment. Some of us aren’t here to forge lasting internet friendships. Some of us are here to kill a little time, and take part in some interesting discussions. We recognize and respect other differences in POV here all the time, so can we just get the porcupines out of our collective ass and respect this one, too?

Friendly note to MissB: There are a lot of unspoken rules and regulations here, combined with a certain amount of intellectual snobbery, and that can make it really hard to be a newbie here. This board has pretty stringent standards for capitalization, punctuation, and writing style, mostly because the bulk of us are nerds with pretty good writing skills. The membership as a whole tends to look down on those not conforming to our standards, and they’re far more likely to be accused of being an asshole. They’re also far more likely to be treated assholishly.

This place is also a huge web of friendships and inside jokes and references that you have to be a pretty old member to know. If you’ve been here a month, you can’t possibly know that PosterX and PosterY are married, or have been best friends since age 3, or whatever, but we expect you to know about and respect those relationships. Some of us may also make jokes that you don’t know are jokes, because you weren’t here when SoandSo did thusandsuch five years ago. This can be a hard place to be new, especially when so many old, established people have taken an instant dislike to you. Hang in there.

Bullshit. Most newbies behave themselves just fine. And most regular members who repeatedly make comments such as MissBungle has DO get themselves pitted. Should MissBungle remain here and retain her current personality, she will get pitted again. This is the place for leveling criticism at another poster. No one has called the woman evil - just rude. For a pit thread critical of a poster, this one is sweetness and light, and MissBungle may take a hint - or she may not and continue here with her current personality for some time - no one has accused her of crossing either the troll line or the jerk line. If you or Hama tolerate rude, fine. If Dins wants to open a thread about a rude poster - guess what, he gets to. If other people want to vent, they get to. There is not some special bar set that what doesn’t annoy you isn’t worthy of a pit thread. And the biggest difference between the pissy comments in this thread and hers is that these have all taken place in the Pit, where pissy comments are an art form.

MissBungle has had her good moments and her bad ones. I hope she stays. But she gets to choose what personality she portrays here. If she wants one that others will interpret as rude, she can, and she will have to put up with (or, if it is her personality, enjoy) the Pit threads that result. If she wants to try to put her best foot forward for awhile and then someone pits her for something misinterpreted, you can rush to her defense.

I will agree, this place is big and established. It can take a long time to get your SDMBlegs. Its no different than wandering into any group of people who have spent a long time hanging out together. A big difference here is that we have a search function and aren’t afraid to use it. Make the mistake of being rude a number of times in a week, and someone will Pit you and link to every case.

The point is, though, that I’ve not seen anything particularly rude in most of her posts. A few, yes, but in those cases the responses have generally been far ruder. Somehow, though, nobody seems to notice or care about the responses. I don’t believe in The Clique, but it’s unequal notice like that that tends to fuel the rumors. Personally, I think the board as a whole deserves better than that.

By the way, are you trying to say that Lord Ashtar and MachineHead weren’t making fun of the use of phrases that are perfectly acceptable on the vast majority of message boards? That they weren’t, in fact, being intellectual snobs? 'Cause that’s certainly the personality they were portraying.

CCL, you haven’t. I have. Dins has. Others have. We all have different levels of tolerance for rudeness. And since MissBungle has been told she is being interpreted as rude and hasn’t come back with “OMG, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it that way at all!” I can only assume she is either intentionally being rude or doesn’t care she has given offense - which is rude in itself.

(As for me, I beg your forgiveness, as I’ve just been on a Jane Austen reading binge and my rudeness meter is set on “Regency.” Eventually, my rudenss meter will return to normal, until then I become offended if “he refused to dance, though gentlemen were scarce.”)

And yes, both Lord Ashtar and MachineHead were making fun of phrases that are acceptable on other boards - in the Pit, where you get to make fun of other posters. I wasn’t referring to their posts at all.

I can’t speak for MachineHead, only for myself. I hate it when people are obnoxious like MissBungle was in that particular thread. So I called her what I felt she was being, a pretentious bitch.

If you can’t handle that, perhaps The Pit ain’t the place for you.

Just MHO.

Rather, I should say, in that particular post.

Well, see, and I hate it when people are obnoxious like those two posts were. So, I called it what I felt it was, intellectual snobbery.

If you can’t handle that perhaps the Pit ain’t the place for you. :wink:

Eh. I just figured that MissBungle has an abrasive way of expressing herself.

I haven’t seen any real rudness - just abrasiveness. There are a few long term posters that tend to be abrasive as well. I assume, unless she goes mental, MissBungle will be fine as a poster, and will probably be pitted as often as the other abrasive posters we have around here - quite a bit.


Yes, and abrasiveness when you’re a newbie is not a way to Make Friends and Influence People. In fact, it’s pretty conclusive evidence of antisocial narcissism, with no countervailing evidence of wit, insight, or knowledge.

Look, as in any social environment we have certain obligations on this board: we should at least try to get other folks to like us, particularly at the beginning. As we go along, we can determine whom we do and don’t like, but it should be their actions that help us do that, not our own.

Sure, once people have been here awhile, and they’ve shown that they’re useful in some way - they’re funny, or charming, or expert, or simply nice, at least some of the time - then being obnoxious is tolerable. So far, Miss Bungle has made it very difficult to tell if she has any of those qualities. And that’s no one’s fault but hers.

Sure, finding out that you don’t always get what you want is part of of growing up – so is behaving like an adult, rather than a petulant child.

I’ve seen a lot of people come and go here and I’ll just say that my money is on her getting banned, sooner rather than later.

I think someone should introduce her to lekatt.

What the hell?! I’ve never had a Pit thread here yet!


MissB, late welcome to the Boards and I hope you do find your niche here somewhere, somehow :slight_smile:

I thought the cancer remark in that play thread was pretty witty. It made me chortle at least. Of course, it may be that I have no idea what wit is.

Rock on, MissBungle. Rock on.

Hey everybody…I don’t know what to say.
Thanks to everyone who stuck up for me… and thanks to everyone who took a shot at me. Thanks to my manager… and let me give a shout out to my pops and mama.

Seriously though… my posts aren’t worth all this.
Save the time you spend arguing about my posts… and make some love, have some dessert, do some yoga, email a friend.
Save the energy you spend arguing about my posts… and ask yourself why they bother you THIS much.

If ya don’t like em, don’t read em. You have adequate moderators here. Trust them to do their job.

But doesn’t it make it so much more interesting when someone dares to voice an unpopular opinion or take a stab at a sacred cow? If all we ever got was “me too” posts, no one would want to be here.

I did all of those but the yoga, and STILL had time to poke my nose in here. How pathetic is that?

Hell no. This is the shit I live for.
