MISSING: One Heart (or How Wondrous It Is...)

Definitely. One of my favorites, bar none.

As I said, I was just being obstinate. I could have argued that you should have used ‘happy’, after all. :wink:

Specifically here, although the Table of Contents for that site is far more interesting. Do a search for ‘unter der linden’ on that first link and you should find the passage. I just nabbed the second verse.

Hey, I SAID I was rusty …

I was tempted to beat you to the punch - you can find the entirety of the Vita Nuova online along with a complete English translation. I’ll leave all of Dante for you, though. You called it first. :wink:

Definitely interesting. I never ran across that one before.

Given that Nym is giggling helplessly at this dorkish hijack, I think we can assume we’re safe.

I’m actually enjoying these translations and the celebration of the spoken word. I thank you both for your kind wishes and words (and words and words and words…) but to be fair to both your talents this should probably be continued in another thread.

I for one will read attentively (and feel free to dedicate the thread to us) but I don’t think a lot of people will bother coming back to this read, and they will miss it.

Share, you lords of word. Spread the joy of langauge to all who can hear.

Sing rhapsodies to the fickle gods that guide you
Awake the brave adventurer that sleeps inside
thanks again guys