
One of the few things I liked about my now former crappy retail job was when I’d see the local firefighters in shopping. Mmm…firefighters.

I have nothing to add, except that they were all really handsome guys!

nurse, there’s your sig., right there. :smiley:

"A firefighter’s bunker clothes smell like danger!"

There are plenty of volunteer departments all over California, in small towns.

aww cmon, what about soldiers?

See, it’s Marines (or Army guys in their dress blues - not greens) that do it for me. Mmmm.

I get weepy at firefighters, as opposed to turned on. Not scared of them. More like humbled.


Thanks. I’m just a wee bit ahead of myself - I’m just barely finished. My written final was Saturday, and the practical final is tonight. I’m planning on going to the firehouse to practice with my gear for a while today. Getting it all on in the 2-minute time limit is hard.

I need to get some pictures.

Oh, them too, but you don’t see a whole lot of soldiers in fatigues coming to respond to a fire alarm.

I also have a thing for men in kilts, especially when they have a Scottish accent. Rowrr…

No offense, but firefighters never have to dicipline anyone. Soldiers are good, but a little scary, firefighters never.
Firefighters are more cuddly than soldiers or policemen.

oh man… what IS it about a man in uniform!!! god bless whoever it was decreed their creation!
being female and a navy kid and rather partial to that branch of the service, is there ANYTHING on the planet better-looking than a man in dress mess? :smiley:
i was vacationing in hawai’i at pearl harbor late last year. i nearly ended up having to carry smelling salts around with me. talk about information overload!lord have mercy! and those were only the whites!

We had firefighters on campus at lunchtime - they had a mobile thingie doing demonstrations of what to do when your hexmas decorations catch fire. I was mildly amused that they said “when” and not “if”. They obviously get called to student housing far too often.

On the subject of men in kilts, I always knew where was some benefit to living with a Scotsman…perk


Yep, I’m a fairly equal-opportunity drooler. And it is my opinion that Marine dress uniforms are the best uniforms anywhere. Though any dress uniforms are pretty much rowrrrr-worthy.

ooh. good point.
yeah, that EOD sure gets around doesn’t it?

Uhh…I knew that? :smiley:

Must have been the mustache talk that distracted me. Give the old bag a break, willya? (Me - not bibliocat - of whom I have absolutely no evidence of being an old bag) :stuck_out_tongue:


Ha! It happens to you females, too!

Just old. :smiley: I’ll try to take some pictures tonight and then post them - my class nickname is “Hot Mama.” I’m one of the oldest in class, and the only mom - hence the name. :cool:
Almost everyone gets a goofy nickname when you go through FF1.

I asked in the MMP thread, and I’ll ask here, too, since it’s about firefighters. I need some Good Doper Vibes headed out my way. My practical final is tonight. I’m nervous and just want to get it over with. The written final (100 questions) was Saturday, and hopefully we’ll get the results of that tonight.
Tonight we have five skill stations to get through. One is donning our gear - all of it - in 2 minutes flat. Others are ropes and knots, and ladders. Raising them can be tough. Those suckers can be heavy.

Biblio, you will be fine, but I will send you good thoughts anyway. Imagine your kids are in that burning building. I bet you’ll suit up toot sweet.

Imagine that there are beefy firefighters in peril in a burning building and you’re the only one in a position to save them. That should get you on your giddyup and provide your fellow female Dopers some creative fodder.

Imagine the reeeeward for saving all them guys.

Heh, try googling Fireman Calendar. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I do! And I believe a number of other Dopers not only read them, but write them. Sometimes they feature firemen… drool

Good luck! Don’t forget to put your hood on (I used up one of my retests because of that).