Mohawk Valley Limberger Cheese Spread (in the little glass jar with the white lid.)

I think it’s just you. Welcome to the board!

What a great parody thread. You guys sound like you seriously would eat a limberger cheese spread.

Limburger cheese is one of those things you think is just a common joke, until you actually see it in a store. But for much of my childhood, it was the punch line of jokes, the notional tool of the prankster, and the sight gag in cartoons (Sylvester the cat chasing Speedy Gonzales only to get trapped in the Limburger locker)…
Actually, my dad liked the stuff.

For those interested, there is also Scott’s of Wisconsin brand limburger cheese spread. Or at least I have two tubs of it in the fridge right now that I bought earlier this year. Oddly, I don’t see it on their website. I wonder if they, too, discontinued it. They do show up in a list of cheeses on this 2019 Wisconsin State Fair PDF, so hopefully that product is still around. I believe I bought it at either the Kenosha Woodman’s or the Beloit Woodman’s (I can’t remember if I was coming from Madison or Milwaukee.)

I always thought Widmer’s Cheese Cellar was the go-to for mail order Wisconsin cheese. Was I just taken in by a cool website?

Anyway, their Wisconsin-style stinky Brick cheese is admirable, and should be tasted by all lovers of Limburger or Bierkase. It’s nothing like the bland buttery Brick cheese sold throughout the rest of the Great Lakes region.

I haven't eaten this food in 20 YEARS... - YouTube this is a review for a limberger cheese spread from Wisconsin. I wanted to make sure that I contributed to this forum instead of just posting for a joke, that would be rude.

At least the first half is. After the 11minute mark, it’s probably safe to go if your just watching for the cheese.

Triscuits? WTF, Triscuits?

Party rye! Those little loaves of rye bread. That is the only way to eat this ambrosia. Anything else is sacrilegious.

I had to throw out a couple of tubs of this stuff last year when the refrigerator broke.

The revival of this thread has me craving it. Time to order some more.

This product says that it is the same product formerly made by Mohawk Valley.

I came into this thread just to say,


Thank you.

Yes, we’ve already ascertained that. It’s an old thread. But thank you anyway.