Moms of the SDMB- how did you know you were pregnant & what did you crave?

Morning sickness…every morning. But I discovered it was because of my smoking. When I stopped smoking, the morning sickness stopped. About 4 months into it, I started smoking again and it didn’t result in throwing up. This was a long time ago,and no one was warning soon-to-be moms that smoking could be bad for the baby. I smoked like a chimney. Baby turned out just fine. He’s a healthy, fine young man now. Oh, and yes I’ve quit smoking. I had no unusual cravings.

My husband told me. Irregular doesn’t do justice to my cycle. There is no such thing as “missing” a period with me. I can and have gone 7 months without a drop of blood and I can bleed forever unless I see my gyn and fix it.

So one day my husband looks at me and says “We need to go to the doctor. Your pregnant.” I dunno what gave him this idea and I pshawed it as I had been told that getting pregnant would be nigh impossible for me without some outside help. Soon after my breast started hurting. The final straw was getting out of the subway on my way to work and puking. I did this for two days in a row on the same street corner.

Two weeks after my hubby announced it, we went to the doctor. I was pregnant of course.

I needed needed Domino’s pizza every night. I don’t know why. Domino’s is the worst pizza ever and yet I made my husband order it every single night. Bleccch!

I remember very distinctly the moment I realized that I was pregnant for the first time. It was before my period would have been due, so just a week or two into the pregnancy. I woke up in the middle of the night, which I never did; I was wide awake rather than groggy as I should have been; and I kicked off the bed covers because I was so hot-hot-hot, which I never was. I thought for a second, and realized the implications.

During all my pregnancies, I couldn’t drink coffee, and I had insatiable cravings for milk; I’d drink from one-half to a full gallon of milk a day.