Money can buy happiness .. upto USD 75,000

A Princeton University study finds that money makes people more satisfied with their lives overall, but doesn’t make them happier day-to-day above $75,000.


They need to adjust this based on how expensive an area one lives in!

I’m not surprised by the general thrust of the result, but a little surprised at how high it is. I would have guessed the tipping point would have been at around median income (which would be what - maybe 50k or so?


I wonder how the U.S. insurance system plays into the first of those, and if the results would be different in a UHC country. And I’m a little suspicious about the second two - obviously single/divorced people would generally have less household income than married/partnered. I’m not sure how you’d properly account for that.

The general result of this study, that money buys happiness up to a certain amount, has been known for a long time. However, I have seen wildly diverging answers for what that amount is.