Eve, that reminds me of a “letter” I saw in National Lampoon over 20 years ago.
(Quoting from memory, so it won’t be anywhere close to exact)
“They say if you give a million monkeys with typewriters enough time they’ll turn out Shakespeare. I don’t know about that, but I can tell you that I gave one monkey a typewriter, and in six hours he wrote a script for The Love Boat. And it’s not half bad.”
Here’s some quick and dirty calculations. Let’s say you have a standard 104 button keyboard. What are the odds of typing : To be or not to be, that is the question
Well, there are 40 characters in that string. To type the original capital T requires pushing the T and one of the shift keys simultaneously. Probability = 1/104 x 2/103 = 2/10,712
Now to type the other 39 characters in succession is 1/104 to the 39th power.
So the chances of typing out this one sentence is 2 out of 10712 * 104 **39,
or 4.04 x 10 to the minus 83rd power. A room full of monkeys would never produce this sentence, let alone one play, let alone the complete works of Shakespeare.
Yeah, a million wouldn’t do the trick, but how about an infinite number of them? That’d go back to the concept of an infinite universe; like, “somewhere out there, we’re having this exact same conversation, except we’re talking about donkeys instead.”