Monthly Photo Competition #8 - July 2023 - “Summer”

This is the monthly thread for July 2023. The topic this month is “Summer”, chosen by @Zyada.

Please note:

  1. The general rules for the competition are here. Please don’t post anything in this thread that isn’t your entry, because it messes with the script I use to compile the poll at the end.

  2. One entry per person per month. To make the photos easier to review (and to make the voting poll easier to compile) please only post once to this thread, with your entry. Your post can include a caption with whatever info you want to give.

  3. Please keep all discussion in the rolling discussion thread.

  4. Once the submission deadline has passed, I’ll put a voting poll in this thread.


Submission deadline: 9pm UK time on Wed 26th July

Voting deadline: 9pm UK time on Mon 31st July

Good luck!

Question: I have a photo that I didn’t take, but I am in it. Can I submit it?

ETA: I was trying to quote @Jaycat.again in this reply. Not sure why it didn’t work.

No - all photos must be taken by the entrant (this is explicitly stated in the rules linked to in the OP of this thread).

Also, a gentle reminder to please put questions, comments and discussions in the rolling discussion thread (also linked to in the OP). This is because it makes life much easier when compiling the poll later if the only posts in this thread are entries. Thanks.



Christmas is Summer in Sydney


In New Mexico, summer is a siesta on the portal

In my backyard this morning.


Little buddy


Hanging Basket


Taken in my summer vacation in Ireland the week before last. Quite possibly the most Irish scene ever.


Dragonfly, Nashua River, Groton, Mass.

orange dragonfly 3_edited-1.jpg by j_person

Just beyond the treeline in SW Michigan.

A flower, taken in August last year. I’m afraid that’s all the botanical information I have… I just liked it so I photographed it. :grinning:

Summer? Ireland? Can do. The sheep are missing, they fled looking for cover, they were there a minute ago:

A summer’s evening in Tobermory, on the Isle of Mull, Scotland. Sunshine and threatening skies all at once, with plenty of visiting yachts in the bay. Taken at 9pm.


It’s summer, a perfect time to stay in a $5 motel.
I took this today - anyone know where it is?