Monty Hall dies, he was 96 years old.

I guess the Grim Reaper lost interest in anymore deals.

I watched Let’s Make a Deal for many years. Monty could always fool people into picking the wrong card or Door.



Should have switched doors when offered the chance.

Is Carol Merrill going to point to his coffin at his funeral? Can the mourners trade the coffin for what Jay has on his table?

Was he buried in coffin 1, 2 or 3?

So I guess that we’ve settled that: He does NOT always give the contestant the option to switch.

I really hope his will has instructions to stop in the middle of the funeral service and give 10000 bucks to anybody with a brass bottle opener, or something, in their pocket. :slight_smile:

Hey, Monty, come on down!!

Memories from childhood. RIP.

Note: I should acknowledge that he was great at what he did and seemed nice enough. I feel bad posting only a joke.

My Mother used to turn on their black-and-white TV early so it would warm up enough and come on for Let’s Make a Deal. She loved that show when she was home alone and my Dad was working to get his degree so he could be a computer programmer.

I watch this crap as part of my morning constitutional. You think Monty was bad? You should see this bastard Wayne Brady!

He is the Devil!

He’s a pretty scary guy.

Everyone dress like Porky Pig or Raggedy Ann tomorrow in memoriam. :o
RIP, Monty!

Check your memories, that was Bob Barker.

I’d attend the funeral if I could be sure of which door to enter.

RIP, Monty. Another childhood icon gone. :frowning:

EDIT: For some reason, I’ve always thought of his guest appearance as a dentist on That Girl.

In the early days of D&D, a Monty Hall dungeon was one where you gained an inordinate amount of treasure for the effort required. My best friend was famous for it. He’d dump massive amounts of treasure in places and put what he thought were unbeatable monsters guarding it. Then seriously underestimate our ingenuity in cracking that nut.

Often spelled “Monty Haul”.

It’s amazing how many people instantly remember a host of a show that went off the air over thirty years ago.

I guess people still watch on the game show network.

I’d hate to be immortalized forever in some of those wacky costumes.

And, if we switch our choice, what’s the odds of finding him, vs. a dead goat?

I loved the way he simply navigated his way through that show despite the incredible wackiness of what was going on around him. And yes, his ability to make you re-think a good choice was amazing.

Of course, I’m shocked no one has yet linked to The Perfect Master’s columns regarding the famous Monty Hall question. So I will.

Monte Hall and Marylin Vos Savant lick Cecil!

Whoopsie! You’re right. Faulty kid memory.

I do remember his silky voice saying, “Will it be Door Number One, Door Number Two, or Door Number Three?”

I’m glad he had a long life and had a fun job making people giddy with excitement.