I’ve never started a Pit Thread before but I figured I might as well give it a shot. This is in response to Monty’s thread in GD about a bus driver held hostage, forced to drive, and accidently killing another drive in the process.
You might be right, fuck face, but hindsight is 20/20. If you’re not prepared to deal with someone who is armed it can be pretty damn tough to come up with solutions. Ever had a gun pointed at your head? Do you realize how scary that is?
Asshole, I’m sure she did something like actually try to avoid hitting other people while some asshole was pointing a gun at her head. Maybe you’ve never driven with someone pointing a gun at your head but I imagine it can be quite difficult.
Well it is a good thing that festering boils such as yourself don’t actually make the rules. Your idea of how things work is amazing. You remove all blame from the guy with the gun and put them on the bus driver. What kind of a piece of shit human being puts the blame on someone who was the victim?
Do us all a favor. If you’re ever in any kind of physical danger then don’t call for help. An amulance rushing to your aid puts the rest of us in danger and that’s just not right.
You’re the insensitive boob here. You’re acting like the bus driver is at fault. The bus driver had a gun to her head. Was she suppose to just let the guy shoot her?
Well that’s jut plain silly now isn’t it? Do you have any idea what the risk of a bus driver or a delivery driver runs of being held hostage? What are the cost/benefit ration of such things? Should every employee everywhere have training on what to do when someone comes to work with a gun? Maybe we should just deputize everyone that way we can all stop crimes as they occur!!!