More Hard News From Fox.

Well, they got stuck with eight years of George W. Bush being President. Which they may have deserved but unfortunately they took the rest of us down with them.

You know, that happens to me all the time. I go to pay my phone bill and instead of reaching into my inbox, I dig through my back files and pull one out from two months ago. I go into my closet in June and pull out my heavy fleece sweatshirt - cause, you know, its right there on top.

Well, it looks like the last straw (dissing a Republican for a change) has created a Call to Action at Fox. From an internal memo:

Oh please. Either they’re embarrassed for inadvertently promoting a book that mocks one of their icons (I don’t see what the hulaballoo is about, since I doubt many in FOX News’ audience read books anyway), or they’re simply feeling the heat from outside eyes now paying attention to the neverending, yet convenient “mistakes”, which are not mistakes at all.