More Hard News From Fox.

Well, I suppose that’s the best he can do to bury his retraction on page 24 in 6 pt font underneath “Ziggy”.

Did he thank Stewart for bringing the error to his attention?

Did he correct the count of the number of people who were at the rally?

Did he say what steps would be taken to prevent this from happening again?

Yyyyokay. Excuse me if I choose not to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. If I received $1000 every time FOX fabricates elements of its reporting, including its infamous chiron, I probably wouldn’t have to work another day in my life.

At this point, I don’t know why they even bother. Their viewers are loyal and aren’t going anywhere, yet FOX will lie even when the truth doesn’t hurt them.

Well, maybe Faux Noise will get better now that Lou Dobbs is a free agent …


As an American, I’m mit Hannity.

Hey, I’ll have you know I watched a report on Fox News where they rated the news shows and it said Fox News is the most accurate news network. And it must be true because Fox News reported it and they’re the most accurate news network.

The OP is referencing a show that appears on The Fox News Channel, often abbreviated as “Fox News.” You’re obviously trying to distinguish between the “news” shows aired on The Fox News Channel and the “opinion” shows like Hannity’s and Beck’s. Never mind that Hannity fancies himself a journalist or that the banner under his macrocephalic gourd reads “Fox News”. The point you are unwilling or simply unable to acknowledge is that Sean Hannity’s show is aired on a network called “The Fox News Channel.” His show’s content is “Fox News” for the duration of his show, as evidenced by the banner. It is entirely approrpiate to label a criticism of Hannity’s work on Fox News under the banner Fox News as a criticisim of Fox News.

One of the danger signs of watching too much Fox News is breaking out in spontaneous German.

It’s really pathetic that anyone would need such a detailed explanation.

What’s really funny is the “I don’t even know what that means” retort, useful in forcing someone to define vagaries, has been repurposed as a sort of catch-all come-back, even when “what is meant” is pretty clear to anyone with an adult’s vocabulary and a passing knowledge of what it is being discussed

So here’s a naive question - what are the consequences to Fox News and this Sean Hannity person? Falsifying information from such a partisan perspective, even for a ‘news-like’ segment on an opinion show on a News network ought to carry some kind of price, like a fine, like loosing your FCC licence, no?

FNC is cable. It’s not under any FCC jurisdiction.


Absolutely nothing. FOX News and all their anchors and reporters can lie with impunity with no repercussions. FOX News is “A Current Affair” for low-information conservative republicans, and since there’s no law against a network, even an entertainment network, putting the word ‘News’ in its name, FOX can say and do anything it wants and reap massive and loyal viewership from an audience that believes any nonsense it sees on TV if it’s couched as news.

ETA: Rupert Murdoch is a bloody genius. I’ll give that to him. ARRRrrrr!

I have a work neighbor (she’s in the office next to mine) who is a very smart woman. Very nice and has helped me many times.

She is adamant that Fox is the only legitimate news network, that at least there “you get the truth”. They are the best news on televison and the most watched. And libruls better watch out because they wouldn’t be so popular if they weren’t right.

I think that, along with home economics, we need to start teaching “how to view media critically” in high school.

No, make that kindergarten.

Does anyone remember the house hippo ads?

Back on topic, that’s just disgraceful, especially when there is the longstanding claim that the media have a left wing bias. Can’t someone demand that Rupert Murdoch produce his birth certificate or something? :wink:

Hannity agreed they did it and claimed it was inadvertent. Sure, just an honest mistake anyone could make. They dug out the footage and spliced it in. BS

Thank you! I think from now on, anytime I see Hannity, I’ll hear Elmer Fudd in my mind singing “Kill the wabbit! Kill the waaaaaabit!”

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. There’s a very, very good reason we don’t teach critical thinking to anyone younger than college age, and not a whole hell of a lot of people older than that age.

The reason is that our society runs on bullshit, myth, and spin, and who is going to do the working and buying and watching and consuming once they see through all that?

Hannity says it was also an error when he stated several times that 20,000 attended when those who were there says it wasn’t even half that many, citing that math and numbers are of the devil and confuse him and the point is there were some.