More Killer Pet Food!!!!

Here we go again.

[Ron Popeil] But wait! There’s more![/RP]

Well, goodness gracious! That sounds serious! What brands should we be avoiding?

You know, it’s for times like this that the term “asshole” was invented.

Its kind of getting a little bit scary now, what with the poisoned toothpaste as well.;_ylt=AnRtnIt3Tj.9EttYcuZbj64DW7oF

You know, back in the day, “made in china” was just a warning that it was probably cheap.

Now it’s a threat.

(Yes, I know there’s no indication that the contaminants originated from Chinese ingredients this time, but right now the odds are strongly in favour of that hypothesis)

Y’know what? I’m just gonna feed my kitties water-packed tuna. Hey, it’s still cheaper than premium wet food ($0.89 per 170ml tin), it’s human-grade, and doesn’t have any filler ingredients.

Unfortunately, my understanding is that if you feed your cats nothing but tuna for extended periods they will develop some pretty serious nutritional deficiencies. You might want to check with your vet before going to an all-tuna diet. (I’m not picking on you, BTW – I’ve gone the tuna route myself at various times for various lengths of time for various reasons.)

You don’t want to do that long-term. For one, there is mercury in tuna and eating it every day is dangerous. Second, there is salt in human-grade canned tuna and it’s very bad for cats, especially older cats who may have kidney issues (and almost all cats age 10 and older have some level of kidney problem, or they will have it at some point, the older they get).

Tuna is okay as a once-in-a-while treat. Not for everyday feeding.

There are plenty of “cat food” recipes you can find on line using human-grade food, usually chicken or lamb as the protein. It’s pretty easy to make and you know exactly what’s in it. But don’t do tuna every day.

I’ll take that article with a grain of salt, though. He mentions other widespread use of contaminants in the pet foods, but remember… lots of types of pet foods have been tested for numerous toxins since this recall started, wouldn’t they have found the other toxins he mentioned too? :wink:

I don’t think all pet food companies are good and nice and really care for pets, but really, in this current recall, how could’ve they have known it was contaminated (before it poisoned the pets)? As far as I’ve read, for the most part they trusted the shipment to be what they wanted it to be, not to be contaminated!

A lot of canned tuna now lists “vegetable broth” as an ingredient.
Apparently this is a euphemism for MSG.
Fortunately, you can find tuna without this.

Where can we buy cans of chopped-up Chinese manufacturing executives?


Sorry, I wasn’t clear. My cats ordinarily eat dry food. Wet food is something of a treat every day or two, and they generally get about 20-25 grams worth (approx. [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]18[/sub] lb. or [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]4[/sub] of one of those small tins of Fancy Feast) which is all that they seem to want – except for the one tubby feline, who’s all too happy to polish off whatever the others leave behind. I have in the past fed them that 9 Lives brand “real” tuna, and they’re fairly okay with that stuff, but it’s slightly disturbing-looking, being that it’s a deep shade of red – almost to the point of being maroon. Plus, who knows what all else is in there or what bits of the fish they used to make it.

And anyway, feeding them real tuna while they get this latest pet food scare sorted likely won’t do them any harm when it’s not their main source of food – and it’s certainly better than taking a gamble on current products when they haven’t even released the list of potentially contaminated brands.