FDA Expands Pet Food Recall

Check your pantries!


This link to the FDA, taken from the news article in the OP, has a good summary of what is going on, what foods are affected, and what is being done about it. Pass it on to all your friends and family with pets… I’d hate to hear of more animals becoming ill!


This site has good ongoing coverage of the new recall information as it’s disclosed. I’ve been stopping by to check it every day or two. They are also taking reports from folks with sick or dead pets and update the numbers daily. Over 4,200 dead as of today.

My cat ate some of the food and got sick. He spent three days in the hospital and has been gradually getting back to normal. Just this week I noticed he’s eating happily again and even asking for more and his weight is stabilizing.

We’ve been lucky.

I’ve sincerely had it.

If I decide to prepare my own food for my dog does anyone know where I can find a chart to determine how much to feed them?