More Photos!

We are a fascinating looking bunch, eh?

I’d love to play, but I have nowhere to put my photos. I guess I have a little bit of space at uni, but pointing the teeming millions at my student space seems like a path fraught with danger.

Hopefully I will return later to dazzle you all with my mediocrity.

~ Isaac

I think I’ll give this a try. This is my wife and I on our wedding day, which was in April. She’s the good looking one, and I’m the lucky bastard she settled for.

How strange! Except for the hair (his is blond) you look just like my stepsister’s BF.

Here’s a pic I took last summer in hopes of luring a guy with a Harley so I could be a biker chick.

No luck with the Harley, but recently I did catch the cute guy I was flirting outrageously with (or at) for a few weeks (he was a little slow to pick up on hints like, “Can I feel your beard?”). Then I took a picture, so I’d have evidence.

Let’s see…

Me driving, and being wry.

Sunning myself while waiting for my turn to skydive.

Foolin’ around at RenFest.

Hmm. . .sorry to monica and any others who had problems with my link. . .that’s what I get for using Geocities, I suppose. I’ll get something more dependable together.

[sub]I really can’t tell you how disappointed I was that monica couldn’t see my pictures after seeing hers. . .or then again, maybe I shouldn’t be.[/sub]

My most recent photo: cold and wet

Okay, folks. You can stop holding your breath, because I got my act together (I hope, anyway). Hopefully this works.


Me working on a dress I made last year

I really should take more pictures…

Me and our new kitten - my hair desperately needs washing in this picture, but it’s the only one I have at the moment.

I did these for my 18 month old niece.

Peek-a- Boo!

Actually, this is me – the one on the left. :wink:

Avert your eyes.

Actually, to me he looks Disturbingly Normal. I was expecting tentacles or giant cybernetic claws or something… :smiley:

And as for Pinkfreud, Harimad-Sol, Hillbilly Queen, Monica, Jayn, Diosa, Anastasaeon, WhyNot, FaerieBeth, The Weird One… wow. You all are an unusually toothsome lot. :smiley: I thought I’d just gotten over a DoperCrush, er, I mean, out of a DoperCrush thread. Curse these dooms of age and distace and relationship that separate us!

And WhyNot, seeing that picture of you and yours at Solstice suddenly made me nostalgic for summer festivals. It’s been ten years since I was involved in anything like that (the International Pagan Spirit Gathering, and I don’t even know whether that one still goes on), but man it was great. Beautiful artistic people, the whirl of colour and fabric, the incense drifting among the sun-dappled trees, and later, the drums in the night…

:: looks around at computers and work ::

How did I get so far offtrack?

(oh, here’s the usual picture of me.)

I like that other one better…

drm It’s kind of dark, but from what I can see… YUM!

Ethilrist Those aren’t that big anymore either. :smiley:

Zebra You’re one of my crushables too!

Papermache Prince Adorable!

I guess this is the best I have online at the moment. I’m the one in most of those.

Yes, we’re all getting soooo tired of seeing that adorable face with the beautiful blue eyes. :: yawn :: :slight_smile:

But you know, this is the first time I’ve seen his picture, and besides thinking “Ah! I knew my Doper crush was not misplaced!” ( :wink: ), I also though, “But you know what else? Give him some long curly hair, a moustachio, a sword, some leather vest… he could pass! In a stage production of the Princess Bride, hell yes, he could be Inigo! INIGO LIVES!”

Really, though. Something about the eyes, I think. Inigo, did you lose your father to a six fingered man?

Well…here goes:

Ack! Blurry phone pic!

Like others, Inigo, I had the Spaniard mental image of you. You are a very good-looking man just the way you are, though. The fun thing about these threads is that each time there are people who’ve never posted pics before and there’s always some pleasant surprises, although I don’t want to embarass anyone or leave any one out by naming names fervour.

I’m only doing this to show off the most adorable kid in the world.