More Photos!

Aw, what the heck … howdy

Hal Don’t look now, but the plants are attacking!
And because I finally revealed myself Yeah…dream on…you pervs over in the Show Your Baby Thread…I thought I would underwhelm you all with some vacation pictures from year. For your dining and dancing pleasure (you will probably have to hit ‘resume’ to make the slideshow thingie work.)

I look suprisingly asian.

Mynn how cool is that that mom was a Ninja just hours before she gave birth.

[Edna Mode]

No Cats!

[/Edna Mode]
You look like Rupert Everett…wooooo

And you’re the one on the…right?

Aw what the heck, I’ll play (I’m not cute though, so I don’t expect any so how YOU doin’s)

How I usually look these days
Me and the wife

Technically, no. I’ve switched desks (twice) since the last time I held an M&M Battle. But now that I think about it, I am feeling rather peckish…

Relevant link, for those wondering what this is all about.

What do you mean you are not cute enough? You got a Levar Burton & Something Else going for you. Your wife is very lucky. Remind her of that from time to time…just so you can get the pleasure of an eyeroll.

How did I ever miss this?!

Hal, you even look like an Evil Overlord!


Lots of chest for the ladies.

Me recently.

First dance.

My DH, me, and my nephew.

Really cool wedding photo.

Another cute wedding photo.

Bella, Chico, and Mia.

From my cruise to Mexico, November '04.

Me four years ago.

I don’t know if this’ll work but here goes.

Oh, why the hell not.

Me, two years ago in my old apartment.

I wasn’t stoned, really.

me on a hike a year ago. . .or there abouts. . .

Um…hi?? Hehe.

Anyways, here’s me and my friends at formal. I’m the one in the middle in the blue dress.

And here’s me at home.

Boy, I could start a new crush thread just for me.
Pinkfreud, Hillbilly Queen, Monica, Jayn, Diosa, Anastasaeon…
I really need to get out more.

I remember Monica in her prom dress from the last photo thread and Hillbilly Queen.

My photo is on that SD people pages but I don’t have the bookmark here at work.

Everyone is lovely. Inigo Montoya looks like a real cuddly guy–I want to give him a big hug.

On the other hand, I want to sit at pinkfreud’s feet and worship her as a goddess.

In case anyone thought I was cute (ha!), here’s a crappy mirror self-portrait to correct the assumption.