More public officials outed as gay (maybe)

Last month we had a GD thread – “Congressman Ed Schrock (R-Va.) outed as gay, resigns” – – about the outing antics of activist Michael Rogers. He’s at it again. From, September 15, 2004:

Who’s next, I wonder? Who is that “conservative southern US Senator”?

Good for you, Rep. Dreier. “None of your goddamned business” is also IMHO a correct response to either question.

About the only good I can see coming from this sort of thing is that people get so used to other people, like their politicians, whom they like and respect, happening to be gay that it stops being an issue.

    • No cite-lunch is almost over-but polls show that people like and trust their own representatives while disliking and mistrusting every other politician. Go figure.

Of course you are aware that Jim McGreevey, governor of NJ, has recently declared that he is “a gay American,” and will therefore resign. The numerous accusations of shady dealings during his administration, including the threat of a harrassment suit by the totally unqualified person he appointed to head up the state’s Homeland Security office for no previously apparent reason, had nothing to do with it, I’m sure.