Mormon Secret Service Agents?

If there aren’t any, who checks out a Mormon temple prior to the Republican nominee entering? Surely the Secret Service wouldn’t let Governor Romney enter a building without ensuring it is safe to do so. Would the Church make an exception to their policy of not allowing non-Mormons to enter?

I don’t believe all areas of the Mormon Temple are restricted to non-Mormons, so unless the Governor is going into an area that is restricted to non-Mormons I don’t see an issue. And if he is going into an area that is restricted then the church would have to make an exception, which given the circumstances isn’t that big of a deal IMO.

Technically that’s correct. When you first enter the temple, there is a lobby/waiting area where people can sit and visit while waiting for others to come out of the temple, but anyone going past the lobby area will need a “Temple Recommend”, a card issued by the member’s church leaders to indicate that he is a member in good standing, and is able to enter the temple.

As I understand it, there have been times, especially outside the US, when minor repairs are needed, such as plumbing or electrical issues and no LDS plumbers or electricians were available, that temples have been closed for a day or two while the repairs were done, and then re-opened.

In Romney’s case, if he were elected, I’m sure that some LDS Secret Service agents could be found to accompany him in the temple, and if not, he would probably exercise discretion and not go to the temple while he is in office.

ETA: On re-reading the OP, I should clarify that the LDS temples are different from our normal houses of worship. Anyone is welcome at normal LDS meetinghouses, including Secret Service agents. It is only at the temples, where sacred ordinances are performed, that non-members are excluded.

Here’s an article from the SLC tribune which suggests it is something of an issue. Unsurprisingly, the Secret Service won’t comment, but it seems Romney will either need to find some LDS agents (I can’t imagine it would be that hard, if there aren’t enough in the current Secret Service, I’d think they could find someone in the military, Capitol police, FBI, ATF or something with similar training and offer them a pay-bump to transfer) or go Templeless until they can find someone.

This seems to be getting very very close to religious discrimination, if it is not already such. Secret Service agents are merit civil service workers, aren’t they? You’re turning it into a spoils system where the POTUS can make a temple recommend a job requirement. Even if you don’t offer additional pay, you’re making LDS agents more valuable and thus less likely to be given the axe next time layoffs come around.

I don’t know about the Secret Service, but I heard on the radio that there are a lot of Mormons in the CIA. Not due to any whacky conspiracy thing, but because they make good employees. Lots of foreign language skills, experience of living abroad and they are less susceptible to the normal weaknesses of sex drugs and beer.

It won’t be a problem. If he wants to go, there are plenty of Mormons in the Secret Service.

Also, for those who don’t know, Mormon temple attendance is not normally a weekly thing. Given his schedule, I would guess he would go a few times a year at most. It wouldn’t shock me if he never went while president.

Its not like the President is obligated to accept secret service protection all the time. If the President insists on going into the temple without protection the Secret Service can VERY strongly recommend otherwise, but if push comes to shove they ultimately have to yeild to the President’s wishes.

As a practical matter, I don’t think it would be an issue. My WAG is that some sort of accomocation would be made, either by letting the President be accompianied by Mormon Secret Service agents (something tells me they wouldn’t be that hard to find) or possibly by closing the temple to everyone but the President and a few pre-cleared individuals on the temple staff.

Anyway, my knowledge of Mormanism is pretty sketcy but I don’t think temple rituals are something most Morman’s partake in very regularly anyway.

I’ve also heard on good authority that there are lots of Mormons in the CIA. They generally have an easy time passing through security clearance, and if they went on a mission they may come in with good languages.

I can’t imagine the public (even hardcore conservatives) would react well to the president attending secret religious ceremonies. Smacks of that whole freemason/illuminati/etc. conspiracy nut stuff.

What about the Nulcear Football? How far is the president allowed to get from the military officer carrying it? At least with military personel their religious affiliation is already on file, though I’m not sure if it can legally be used for determining duty assignments beyond assisting chaplains.

As far as he wants.

Outside of someplace like Provo, aren’t there going to be non-recommended people traipsing in and out fairly regularly? There are inspectors and electricians and plumbers and EMTs that are going to need to come in. Would they even need to stretch the rules to admit the Secret Service agents?

Wiki claims:
Emergency access
Those without recommends occasionally need to enter temples after dedication during fires, medical emergencies, or building inspections. They are escorted by temple personnel during such visits.

The issue is going to be that those people are there when there is no ceremony in process, non-mormons aren’t supposed to witness the secret ceremonies. Would be pretty hard for the Secret Service agents to do their jobs without witnessing the ceremony if the POTUS was taking part.

You know, that’s one reason it might be good for Romney to be President, so those who react like that can have a collective hissy-fit when the man deigns to practice his religion. Besides Romney and Kennedy, were there any other presidents or presidential nominees who the “general public” didn’t “react well” to the idea of said prez/noms practicing their religion?

Plenty of them are damn sure Obama is a Muslim. They don’t think that because they like the idea of a Muslim president.

:Sigh: I forgot about the fucktards who still believe that Obama is Muslim. Heck, I hope the next ten Presidents are not Protestant Christians!

So you’ll be voting for Romney then?

It’s nobody’s busines who I’ll be voting for.

The Mormon temple service is one of the worst kept secrets. It’s not like the Secret Service has no way of googling exactly what goes on in there.