Moron flashes Weather Channel

I just turned on the Weather Channel coverage of Hurricane Irene, and they had someone standing out at Virginia Beach in the wind and rain. While he was talking/shouting, some bozo guys (all wearing bathing suits) pranced behind him in the wind. One of them pulled down his bathing suit and flashed (frontal, not moon) the camera!

Stay classy, Virginia Beach.

It was just a little thing. And the camera adds ten pounds even. :wink:

You know what they say about cold water and shrinkage! :smiley:

I don’t think it’s any more moronic than the Weather Channel stuntcaster standing out there in the middle of a hurricane prattling on.

TWC preaches how dangerous it is to be outside, so they go outside. They assume all risk associated with standing outside during such an event — flopping genitalia and all.


I think it would have been cool if all of a sudden all the swim trunk guys dropped their shorts then started walking towards the weatherman like zombies. Shortly after which the live video feed would have been dropped. Which we could then use as evidence that the nudist weatherman raping zombie apocalypse had begun.

Wait a second!! Don’t TV cameras automatically pixellate all naughty bits? I figured that was the case when they fuzzed out the boy parts of a dog who was being groomed on Dirty Jobs. Goodness knows, we can’t have “the children” seeing doggy genitals…

Irene’s first wardrobe malfunction.

Here’s Youtube video of the incident. I was wrong - plenty of mooning occurred!

Great name for a band.
Saw the video just now- it looked like a penis, only smaller.


I love this thread for teaching me the word “stuntcaster.”

Well, some of those Virginians are still probably shaken up from the earthquake.

“I was in the ocean, I was in the ocean!”

EDIT: Nevermind.

You’ve never seen a weather cock before?

During a protest over the first Gulf War a guy at UNM took his clothes off. As a photographer snapped a picture he yelled “The government has everything to hide, but I have nothing to hide!”

Everyone who saw the photo agreed he had nothing to hide.

Good point from the video comments… the stuntcaster is rocking back and forth as if he can hardly stand in the wind until these guys show up and dance around, forcing him to stop the acting.


You win.

I was watching it, and even rewound the DVR. I’ve got a large, hidef TV, and I couldn’t see anything frontwise. If I had a two incher, I’d keep it hidden myself.

On the news this evening we’ll all be treated to the cliche of weather reporters standing in some water to show that, well, there is water, and telling us that water levels are up. :rolleyes:

Personally, I thought it was hilarious.

I know that some boob has to go stand outside and broadcast to prove to the TV viewer that it really IS raining and windy. I guess some penis wanted equal time.

Without the weekend’s wall-to-wall Irene coverage starting with Obama’s safety message to the nation on Friday to today’s overblown coverage, I wouldn’t have been able to figure out what that big swirling cloud was. Man, if Obama didn’t tell me what to do, I don’t know if I would have made it through this weekend.