I’m surprised I haven’t seen my experience posted anywhere on this thread.
But first, in reply to the OP: I have argued with video store management about late fee’s much like a person argues over the price of a car. And, I don’t feel one iota of guilt or shame. I mean, $30.00 seems a bit outrageous for a couple movies a few days late. They make more money from late fees than they do from mere rentals alone. It’s like arguing with the bank that covered your $2.00 check and then charged you $25.00 for their services. I actually had a bank rep say that this was their way of showing appreciation to me for having an account with them. Yeah, O.K… That said, I feel I should I have the right to try and talk them down. Outlandish fee’s based on the guise of ‘punishment purposes’, that in actuality create huge amounts of profits for said company, is pure crappolla. They do it because of peoples guilt at feeling wrong. Most people would rather pay the exorbinant fee than argue the point the charge is excessive and unfair.
But, back to my original bitch. I too had an experience with BLOCKBUSTER that left me burned. The scenario: My girlfriend and I rented a couple of flicks for the weekend. Friday to Monday, I think. Come Monday night I drive up and drop of the movies in their drop box. Fine, no penalties here I think. Wrong. Turns out the place went out of business that same day. Sign, movies, everything ripped out within the week. I jokingly said to my gal that we could have kept the movies for free! We both laughed but felt pleasure in our undying honesty.
A month or so passes and while applying for a new apartment I’m told I have a mark on my credit report. Nothing that kept me from getting the apartment, thank God, but troubling all the same. The guy who checked my record said it was a bad post from -drumroll hear- BLOCKBUSTER. The bastards not only went out of business because they suck, but they determined, arbitrarily I might ad, that I still owed them money. Horseshit I said (FYI, trying to find a way to argue with an out of business company is no easy feat, but I did find an open one ten blocks away)I returned the movies that Monday night I said. No you didn’t they said. Yes I did I replied, and by the way, how the hell would you know anyway, your not tied to their computer in the first place, an issue I fought about long before MY store closed. Well, they said, prove you did. What? How the hell can I prove I did when the store’s out of business? Talk to a manager they said. How can I talk to a manager of an out-of-business store? Sorry sir, we’re not affiliated with that branch and can’t help you there you need to take it up with the collections department. Whose collection department I ask. Its been transfered to an out of office company for purposes of collections and we can’t help you there. So, what do I do? Nothing! And proud of it. Two years later I still have the mark on my credit report and BLOCKFUCKINGBUSTER still believes I owe them money. Assholes. If this isn’t like arguing to a brick wall I don’t know what is. Neither their side nor my side will give in. I say prove I didn’t, they say they don’t have to. I say their bankrupt and couldn’t come after me even if I didn’t return the movies. Back and forth and all the while they have the upper hand by besmirching my credit report. Jerk offs.
Sorry to rant and rave but apparently this is still a touchy subject. I’ll go grab a beer and relax.
Anyrate, Didn’t mean to go off but I believe that you should, nay, it’s your right, to argue things you don’t agree with, whether or not your right or wrong. Barbaric fees need to be fought!!!