While this topic may seem trite, I offer it as the ying to the “horrific image” topic yang.
I’ve seen a LOT of art in my day. And while this has certainly been a good thing, I do feel a little jaded and hard to impress.
Three years ago I saw Cirque Du Soleil in Dallas, TX.
I was totally blown away. Walked out thinking I had just witnessed one of the most beautiful things I had probably ever seen. I’m really not a new age-y kinda guy, I swear. But I left that day honestly thinking “You know, for all the attrocities man commits, for all the horrible things we do to one another on a more than regular basis, every once in a great while we really get our crap together and make something trully breathtaking”.
Year and a half ago I had a similar experience after seeing the Iron Giant. Knocked my socks off. Hadn’t felt that way coming out of a movie since I was about seven and had just seen Star Wars for the first time. Pure movie magic.
It’s a rare thing when I see or experience a work of art that reminds me of what can be achieved when we’re not busy making existence horrible for one another. These two examples are some of the more memorable moments for me.
How bout’ you? (Feel free to give non-art examples)