Most embarrassing unnoticed personal laxity

An old friend has a great story about this sort of embarrassment. During his early days, he once interviewed for a Real Job™, wearing a suit, carrying a briefcase, and wielding a resume. He was very nervous about the whole thing. Running late, he grabbed a package of Fig Newtons to eat in the car, rather than make breakfast.

Arriving at the interview, he placed his briefcase on the interviewer’s desk, off to one side, where it remained during the lengthy conversation. The interviewer was perfectly professional, and soon put my friend at ease. Newly confident, my friend stood up, concluded the interview with a firm handshake, picked up his briefcase, and went outside…only to discover that the side of the briefcase that had been facing away from him, toward the interviewer, still had several mashed Fig Newtons firmly stuck to it.

Male pal of mine once spent a pleasant Saturday summer morning running errands. He likes to chat with the till clerks while they’re ringing him up. He couldn’t understand why the teenaged girl at the last stop, a pet store, was staring at him in wide-eyed horror as he chatted away to her and bagged up his cat biscuits. Then he got outside to his car to discover he’d spent the entire morning shopping with his dick hanging out out of his trouser-flies.

Apparently he didn’t go back to that pet shop for months afterwards which was a bit inconvenient as it’s just up the road from his house.

I think that’s known as hairy pinna, if you want to put a name to it.

Most recent one: I tend to wear a coat all day, often zipped up. I got home one day and realized I had just worn a white undershirt and coat. The shirt I had meant to wear was still laying on my bed (I don’t remember if I wore a bra that day or not. Probably not.)

I flashed an entire parade of waiting troops once. They were graduating from a challenging leadership course and my BF was among them. I was dressed formally, since it was a formal affair, but was wearing racy and fancy undies since I also hadn’t seen my BF in months. There was about 150 on parade that day.

Walking to the grandstands, a good breeze caught my skirt and blew it up over my waist. Since they were already formed up, there was no audible reaction, but quite a few of them made their way over to introduce themselves at the luncheon. :o

One time I went to a water park, wearing a bikini top that ALMOST fit. On one of the rides, my nipple slipped out of the top. You know how some rides will snap your picture and have it on display at the end? Well, my nipple ended up displayed on that screen. I hope the kiddies didn’t see it!

You reminded me of a customer I had when I worked at the credit union. This lady also had to draw on her eyebrows, and one day she must have mixed up her eyebrow pencil with her lip liner pencil. Her eyebrows were rather… maroon that day.

I whispered to her that she might want to check her makeup before she went anywhere else, I figured she’d want to know.

:dubious: ← dubious

Sweet, I’ll have to work the term ‘hairy pinna’ into everyday conversation just to see the reaction. :smiley:

I’m not about to name him or ask him to verify the story as he’s a poster on the board; whether you believe it or not, it happened, sadly.

He still goes commando, but he’s more careful about doing up his flies these days.

I was really hoping this was directed at Ms Boods’ post.:smiley:

I had a meeting with a former boss and the guy who had been hired to replace me. I and my former boss were already in the conference room when the guy walked in with a confident smile and six inches of shirttail protruding from his fly like a bizarre cotton erection.

We were leaving our hotel in Hawaii when our vacation came to an end. The desk clerks were good-looking young men, so I volunteered to do the check-out paperwork so I could have the pleasure of chatting with them a bit.

I noticed that they studiously avoided looking at me while talking and thought, “Well, that’s to be expected. You’re old and they’re young, that’s life.” I rejoined my husband in the parking lot and he said, “Hey, you’ve got an impressive booger stuck on your nose - must be the result of that last-minute ocean swim we took after packing.”

Ah…the ear hair! I have a few stray ear hairs on the edge. When I shave, which I do in the shower, I occasionally do a pass along the edge of my ear. One time I gave myself a nasty little slice and it was bleeding pretty good. Got out of the shower and continued the post shower part of my grooming. I had to dab the blood off my ear a few times but eventually it stopped and I headed out to run some Saturday errands. I was in a big home improvement store and kept getting funny looks from people as I shopped.
Yeah…got out to the truck and saw that my ear wound had started bleeding again and I had been walking around with a significant amount of dried and drying blood all over my ear and down my neck.

It’s storming here right now - a mix of snow and rain, kinda slushy. On my way home from work tonight, I stopped at Target to pick something up. I was so busy making sure that I had my collar up against the wind that I got ten feet from my car before I realized that I never actually shut the drivers side door. Glad I noticed!

This happened while I was a Junior at a coed boarding school… My period started, and I had just enough time, between classes, to run to the dorm, and get a pad.
The box was empty, and so was the dorm, so I couldn’t bum one. I made one out of toilet paper. I was walking down the crowded hall, and someone told me I had toilet paper, stuck to my shoe. I looked down, there was about a 4’ trail behind me, and I could feel the main part, trying to escape my underwear. I bent down and acted like I was picking it off my shoe, but I actually tore it off, so it would stop unwinding. I went in the bathroom to fix it. In my haste to rid myself of the problem, I quickly pulled down my pants, and it leaped for freedom, and skittered under the neighboring stall, which was occupied. :o After a brief pause, it was nudged back into my stall.

While several visiting members of upper management watched me use a new operating system at work, I rolled my desk chair onto the edge of my exceedingly modest ankle length rayon skirt, exposing a g string and several inches of my naked white butt. Not one of the four men or two women standing over me notified me. A cubical neighbor silently but frantically tried to signal me, but I was engrossed in my demonstration and ignored him. Which gave him time to alert ten or fifteen other nearby employees. I caught them golf clapping about the same time I felt the draft.

This didn’t happen to me, but to a woman I saw walking to work across the street. She had a backpack on, and it was causing the back of her skirt to ride up - her whole butt was out when I saw her. She was too far away, or I would have mentioned it to her.

Just so you know, you aren’t alone. I’ve also been surprised, and have become quite adept at fashioning a make-do pad out of toilet paper. Most times, it’s fine until the real thing can be obtained.

But. Yes. Without the adhesive strip, they can escape.

I know. I feel your pain, because it is my pain, too.

Oh yes, backpacks do that.
Shorts do that, too. If a man or woman has thighs that rub against each other, wearing loose shorts of thin material is a very bad idea. The inseam tends to bunch up in the crotch in a most unflattering way.