Most Good Looking GOP Candidate?

Who is the most good looking of the current GOP candidates?

I’ve got to say its Jon Huntsman followed closely by Mitt Romney. On average I’ve observed that Mormons tend to be the best looking religious group or any population group in general at least in the US.

I’m startin’ to worry about you man.

One does not have to be homosexual or bisexual to consider someone objectively handsome or not. Plenty of women do that.

Sexuality has nothin’ to do with it.

ETA - I’ll stop the hijack now, carry on…

Is there something you need to tell us?

Morally bankrupt hyperchristian hypocrites are not my idea of fun.

While she isn’t a candidate anymore, Michele Bachmann has held up quite well for her age.

Honestly? Possibly Santorum. But I absolutely refuse to vote for him. So my vote goes to Jon Huntsman. He has good hair, graying in that nice distinguished look and looks generally pretty fit.

No, it’s just that you have bad taste :smiley:

Jon Huntsman’s daughters are pretty enough, but he’s not a looker himself.

Santorum’s the only one the bunch to make me think “Well, if he was 10 or 15 years younger…”

I actually had to Google John Huntsman, to remember what he looks like. Not as good-looking as Romney, though.

Will anybody at all pick Gingrich?

What are you, a pedophile? The guy already looks like a teenager.


He’s 19 years older than I am.

Well, as for me, I think they’re all hideous.

Romney is by far the most presidential-looking. I could easily picture his face on a five dollar bill or a coin or something. Huntsman is handsome but not presidential.

Santorum; Santorum is a weird one. Sure, from the neck-up he looks pretty good-and that is primarily what you see when he is on TV-but he looks like a pear when you see his whole body. Nobody wants to elect a pear for President.

Rick Perry, I guess. 2nd would be Mitt if he’s having a good day. 3rd would be Rick Santorum.

Though I loathe his politics, Santorum is handsome.